Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw – A recent item checked off my list

Thanks to the hot new idea by Latinabroad, there has been an uptick in bucket list entries by travel bloggers. Even the Travel Channel has taken note and tweeted the brilliant idea. Not one to be left behind here is an adventure travel bucket list from Traveling Ted.

Denali National Park

Denali National Park – A place on my bucket list – Wikimedia Commons

This is actually the first in a two part series. I am breaking it apart by parts of speech. Today will be nouns: people, places, and things. Soon I will publish a verb bucket list. There will not be an adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, and certainly not an indefinite article bucket list.

People –

In a little village in northern Thailand close to Chiang Mai our rented car ran out of gas. I was traveling with a girl from Venezuela, and as we skidded to a stop in front of a rural bar. The Venezuelan girl told me to get out and push. I did for about 5 seconds until I realized the effort would be fruitless.

We had not seen a house or anything for miles, but we happened to stop in front of a busy bar jammed with local Thais drinking singhas. They thought we were hilarious and roared with approval at every move. Finally, a calm voice echoed out of the chaos and asked “do you need petrol?” in near perfect English.

Lex took me on the back of his moto-bike to the nearest gas station, had the attendant find an empty barrel, and took us back to our stalled car. After getting the car situation under control, he invited us for drinks in the outdoor bar. He was the nicest person I have ever met.

When you travel outside your comfort zone you have situations happen like this where strangers go way out of their way to help. I want to meet the Lex of every country and have a beer with them.

Chiang Mai Thailand

Me with my personal savior Lex to my right

Travel bloggers –

Still in the people category of my bucket list: I would like to meet more travel bloggers in person instead of just conversing via twitter. Having been on twitter for two years now, I have developed great relationships with many travel bloggers including Budget travel Jeremy, Leslie travel, Agentcikay, Jeff Titelius, Nomadic Samuel, Kevin Revolinski, Jasonstravels, Butterfly Diary, Latinabroad, Traveldudes, Andi Perullo, the SantafeTravelers and many others. I hope to make it to a TBEX soon and make this a reality.

Places –

For those that follow my blog, they know I prefer wilderness outdoor places. I have hiked, canoed, and skied through many of these areas in the U.S. including the Everglades, Quetico, and the Great Smoky Mountains. Here are some places in America I would like to explore:

The Big Cypress Natural Preserve in Florida – This area is the land before time. I have driven through here, but I want to explore further as it is just amazing. Characterized by swamps, cypress trees, birds, alligators, and the reclusive Florida panther, it is a wonderful wild area.

The 100 mile wilderness in Maine – This is a stretch of trail along the Appalachian Trail which is the most remote section along the trail and one of the wildest areas in the United States.

Denali National Park in Alaska – I have never been to Alaska, but when I do I will make a beeline for the highest mountain in North America. I will not climb it, but will hike around it.

Whenever I go to another country I try to find the wildest place in the country to explore. When in Thailand it was Khao Yai National Park and when in Costa Rica it was Corcovado National Park. Here are some places I would like to visit around the world.

Borneo – Malaysia and Indonesia are on my list because of this amazing jungle island. I can also kill two birds with one stone here and meet Agentcikay.

Sundarbans or any national park in India with tigers – Sundarbans would be a tricky place to visit as it has the most ferocious tigers in the world. They kill more people there than any other place in the world combine. I would love to see this place, but I am not insane. I will check it out by boat.

African safari – I have never been to Africa before, and when I do go you can bet it will be to a place like Kruger National Park in South Africa or the Okavongo Delta in Botswana.

The Amazon Rainforest– The word “Amazon” evokes the very spirit of adventure and is almost a synonym. I would love to canoe or take a boat down this amazing river.

Things –

I have never seen a wildcat before. I would love to see a tiger, puma, or even a bobcat.

Thanks to Nomadic Samuel, I would love to see the closing of the India – Pakistan border and the ceremony involved.

I would like to hike a long trail whether it is the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, or even the Ice Age in Wisconsin. It must be a super huge feeling of accomplishment to hike a thousand plus mile trail.

For someone who is into adventure, a bucket list is hard to narrow down as I would like to do, see, and meet all. This is just a list of nouns currently in my mind pertaining to my bucket list.


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