Felix Menocal is a guide in Costa Rica you will want to avoid. The Lonely Planet guide suggests staying at the hostel in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica called Cabinas the Corner as it is a great way to meet up with fellow travelers seeking entry and information about Corcovado National Park. A minute after walking in and getting my room key a young traveler asked me if I was hiking into Corcovado. The guide does not lie.
Dave, coincidentally also a travel blogger at When the Pavement Ends, told me you had to get a reservation a day in advance, and the office was already closed. This meant a layover day in Puerto Jimenez, which I was not too fond of. The hostel concierge suggested going with a guide. She reasoned that a guide could bypass the red tape and get me the next day. This sounded very appealing. The concierge said it did not hurt to talk to one. I agreed and in minutes Felix Menocal from Osa Travel Services arrived at the hostel.
Felix said he could push through the paperwork as soon as the office opened at 8am. Mr. Menocal also suggested flying into the park for $50.00 if I wanted to go in the next day as the bus leaves before the office opened.
Felix agreed to be my guide for three days for $150.00. He said he usually charges $80.00 to $120.00 per day, but he would do this since it was the down season at the park. I was excited.
The next day Felix arrived at 7:30am and told me he had done the reservation work, but just needed it to be verified when the park opened. He then said he would not guide me into the park as $50.00 a day was not worth it. I was disappointed, but I still wanted to go. Since Felix seemed like such a capable guide I decided it would be great to have him around, so I asked if he would come for $150.00 for two days. He agreed and we headed into the park.
Arrival into the park with Felix Menocal
The flight into the park was absolutely spectacular. Immediately, once we got into the park we headed into the jungle from the Sirena ranger station. We saw such an amazing array of wildlife and Felix was incredible. He could hear the animals and he would track their sound and then point them out to me. I am pretty skilled myself at spotting birds and animals, but I was not in his league and would have passed up a lot of sightings.

Guide Felix Menocal helped me find this spider monkey and take the picture – He is good when he is on his game
We toured the trails for hours, and I felt the tour was off to an outstanding start. Then towards the end of the day, Felix mentioned he was going to leave at 4:30am the next day, so he could get out of the park. I told him I would only pay him for one day then. He said that it would take him 6 hours to hike out, so I had to pay for two days. I told him the agreement was for two days of guiding. I could see his argument, but he should have said something if this was his intention.
Sir Felix runs away
He set up everything for me in his absence. He gave me a map and left his stove, so I could cook. Then he told me he needed to get paid. I told him I was not happy with him deserting me after only one day of guiding. He got really angry and things began to get ugly. He said we made an agreement man to man. I did not mention we also had one for three days, and then for two, and he backed out of both of them.
In the end, I paid him for the full $150.00. I thought if I did not, it would come to blows. I was also worried about the stuff I left at the hostel back in Puerto Jimenez. If I did not pay him the full amount then maybe he would hold my other backpack for ransom (which included my laptop computer).
It gets worse though, the next day instead of walking out, he got on a return flight from the ranger station by the charter plan. This meant he returned to Puerto Jimenez only 24 hours after leading me in. He told us in the initial meeting that he does not have to pay for the plane as long as there is room and they are going back.
Traveling Ted discovers Felixs bad reputation
The next day another guide asked how my trip was going. I said fine except for the fact that my guide had deserted me without refunding my money. He shook his head and told me he knew who it was without even asking for his name. He said Felix often has trouble with his clients.
This other guide told me Felix recently pushed an American girl who he had a similar dispute over money, deserted another client who had already paid their money and never even showed up, and even guided a French couple drunk on the trails. He ended up passed out on the beach.
Should I post this or not?
This post was a difficult post for me to write as one of the main purposes of this blog is to inspire travel. Writing about a guide who rips off tourists in Costa Rica is not a good way to do this as it confirms many of the suspicions people (especially Americans) have about traveling to foreign lands.
On the other hand, the other goal of this blog is to give advice and tips by providing information and links for those who want to follow in my adventures. Therefore, I feel it is necessary to warn other travelers not to secure Felix for their guide. There are tons of other guides in the area, and it was just my bad luck that I got the rotten apple. Also, Cabinas Corner needs to stop suggesting Felix to their travelers. It is not right to suggest a crooked guide to their lodgers.
What I really hope this post does is to push Felix Menocal back on the path of being a quality guide as I know he has it in him. He knows the jungle very well. In fact, a prominent blogger wrote a good review for him (although there is a negative comment on there about him). He has a gift he should share with the rest of the world instead of bringing shame on himself, his family, the other travel guides, Corcovado National Park, and Costa Rica by jilting travelers.
Not a reflection on Costa Rica or the Corcovado guides
When people get screwed like I do they sometimes blame the whole country for one person’s shrewdness. I am not like this though. Every other single person I met in Costa Rica was wonderful and helpful. Tomorrow I look forward to getting back to posting on the wonders of the country.
It is unfortunate that it had to come to this as Felix was an incredible guide for one day. I told him when I handed over the $150.00 that he was a great guide, but a horrible business person and one other visitors should steer clear from.
Adventure on!
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That’s very bad news Ted.
I think that this guy needs to be named and shamed. He has had it too good for too long. This is going to continue to happen whilst he thinks that he can get away with it.
I would complain to Osa Travels and if they do not act then send this to the Costa Rican Tourism Board. They would not want this to get about.
Don’t these guides need a licence to do their work?
Hi Ted,
I did not realise that Osa Travels was owned by Felix – that’s even worse!
His behaviour, unprofessionalism and disgregard for clients is abysmal.
People/businesses affiliated with/living off the tourist industry, ought to be regulated by the tourism bureau to avoid giving a destination a bad name and protect the interests of the service user. Any one can claim to be a guide it seems on the basis that they know certain nature trails and can name various species, but they also need to know how to ‘accommodate’ and ‘host’ their clients. Not rip them off. But this is common-place world round.
I am glad that this incident might kick off a backlash even to the detriment of Felix’s business and family because you were literally abandoned in an inhospitable (unless you are Bear Gryls et al) environment by someone who did not do what they were hired to do.
I hope that word about Osa Travels spreads to other blogs and mainstream travel sites.
I like Costa Rica very much and it does not deserve this!
On a more happy note…regarding tarantulas… when next in the Monte Verde region pop in to the ‘Mundo De Los Insectos’ at Santa Elena to handle them! Also a very good reptile house nearby where you can handle young pythons and meet your deadliest foe…no, not Felix!…the bushmaster snake. Wish I could send pics but not sure how.
Happy trippin,
If you do go to Monteverde, I suggest you find the guy we hooked up with to guide us around the area: http://kaleidoscopicwandering.com/2011/07/25/monteverde-costa-rica-travel-guide/
It truly is incredible how much a guide can make or break a trip, which is part of the reason we loved Monteverde but would pass on La Fortuna next time.
JoAnna recently posted..What to Pack for a Hiking Trip in Costa Rica
This is a great post and you did the right thing especially pointing out Felix’s adept guide qualities and bad business practices fairly. You should also follow through with a post to Angie’s List. While unfortunate we travelers very well know that some times a good guide is hard to find. Well done Ted and great pictures too.
Robb714 recently posted..Endurance of the Human Spirit
Great pics, Ted, but sorry to hear about the frustrations. I’d also post a review on TripAdvisor. I find that site super helpful when I’m making travel plans. When there are so many things to see and so many competent, nice guides out there willing to take good care of travelers, it would be a shame for anyone else to have the same experience you did. Especially, like you said, since not everyone distinguishes between an individual and an entire country when they have a bad experience.
Great park but what a disappointing and frustrating experience. In situations like this, there seems there is nothing you can do but complain and share your story with others. The only way you can really hurt him is by hurting his business. However, since he pretty much has a good part of his business as a guide and people are directed to use the hostel, hard to get around it. Maybe the best thing to share is to make reservations in advance and get a pre-arranged guide so people don’t have to be in the situation you were.
Jeremy Branham recently posted..Explore Sacramento! California State Capitol – politics, history, gardens, and memorials
You see Ted; you obviously did the right thing here according to your feedback so far. Out of tragedy comes triumph for future travelers to Corcovado and Felix will have no choice but to hone his business practices. Well played my friend.
Robb714 recently posted..Endurance of the Human Spirit
Good stuff Ted, sad to read this event, but hey, you’re writing not just to inspire travel but to warn against pitfalls! So naming and shaming on the net will let bad guides know that they will be outed!
Spreading this far and wide will help ensure other bad guides know they need to perform to the agreement.
Jim recently posted..Daffodils at Barhill.
Thanks for sharing. You haven’t dampened any traveler’s spirit with this post. Actually, you can get ripped off anywhere – a jungle in Costa Rica is no exception. You’ve done good by naming this guy.
Felix has an attitude problem. Any skill or knowledge he has can be learned, but his personality is already cast in stone (as evidenced by the pattern of ripping people off, not just you). Travelers to Costa Rica should be warned.
AJ recently posted..Lament for the Littlest Fellow in Bohol
Ted, I’m really glad you posted this. These kinds of events should not be swept under the rug. A horrible guide who scams, cheats and deceives his clients ought be publicly called out by name. It’s too bad you had to experience something like this but events like these do happen routinely while travelling.
Nomadic Samuel recently posted..Singapore Photo Essay | FOGG Odyssey
It’s very unfortunate that this happened to you. These people should be named so that the public will be warned.
Micamyx|Senyorita recently posted..What I Did in SOCCSKSARGEN: The S3X Tour Tres Quickie Preview
thanks for sharing your story… i hope this post finds its way to future travellers to corcovado…
flipnomad recently posted..Deja Vu in Siem Reap: 10 New Observations
How annoying that the hostel still recommends this guide (apparently because of nepotism)even though he has a long history of ripping off his clients. Glad you posted this– hopefully it will keep other travelers from booking him.
Leslie recently posted..Public art faceoff: Seattle yarn bombing vs NYC lampposts (photos)
A thoughtful post Ted. I don’t think there is anything wrong with warning others about a bad guide, or whatever. I think a review such as yours can go along way to either helping Felix become a reputable guide, or getting him out of the business. If he can’t provide a quality service, then he shouldn’t be a guide.
Nancie recently posted..Travel Photo Thursday, September 8, 2011 — Sake Barrels, Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka, Japan
Thanks for posting this, Ted. It’s important to get the word out. People spend a lot of time and money on vacations, and they don’t deserve to have them ruined by guys like this. You did the right thing.
JoAnna recently posted..What to Pack for a Hiking Trip in Costa Rica
Hi Ted,
As you know, your post helped me avoid a disaster with my Corcovado plans. I would never support someone like this in any way.
The Surcotours I found was amazing in every way- intelligent, honest, caring.
Tell them Usha send you. Three guides with a great Reservations lady- out of PJ.
These guys deserve to earn what they charge- and plus more. I had no problem tipping such capable guide as Roger. Nito and Jeisson are the other two.
I met them all, so you are in great hands with any of them.
happy trekking.
Pura Vida
Mi nombre es Berta Sorio, la Dueña de Cabinas the Corner, y pienso que sus comentarios nos estan perjudicando la reputaciòn de las cabinas, quiero agregar que Felix Menocal no trabaja con las Cabinas, y tampoco es de la familia, espero que entienda mi situaciòn, y elimine sus comentarios sobre las Cabinas the Corner.
I was told by a reliable source that Felix’s step mom works at Cabinas. This same person recommended Felix who agreed to $150.00 for three days then $150.00 for two days and then took off after one day with my $150.00.
The lady at Cabinas Corner called Felix and on her recommendation I chose him. Afterward, I found out about his bad reputation in town from multiple sources. Cabinas Corner shares the blame. Sorry, comments stay.
From now on suggest honest guides to your guests and maybe they will write positive posts about you to offset this negative one.
Great post, Ted! I agree that you wrote about your experience very fairly, listing the good and bad objectively. It is a service to other travelers to caution them about unscrupulous guides or other services that they may seek to enhance their travel experience. Kudoes to you for doing just that!
Hola nuevamente,
Ted, te queremos dar una disculpa,
pero Doña Berta no es la madre de Felix, y ella solo quizo recomendar a ese guia turistico, pero ella jamàs penzo que el iva a ser asì! ella lo hizo por ayudar, pero ella se siente muy avergonzada por lo sucedido, y si vamos a tomar sus sugerencias.
I took the sentence out talking about relationship although it really does not matter. After Felix left, everyone I talked to in Sirena and in town did not have great things to say about my guide.
I find it hard to believe that people who work at Cabinas Corner did not know about this since it is such a small town.
Felix Menocal is known as a thief, drunk, and violent
There are enough good guides in Jimenez to go around.
Avoid him like the plague.
Thanks for your input David. Felix has wanted to pay me back in return for taking down this post, but for reasons you allude to I have refused. If you have any good guides you could recommend please leave them in another comment.
Thank you for posting! I’d posted a review of Felix Menocal of Osa Travel on Trip Advisor that he disputed (with terrible customer service) as defamation of character, and they actually pulled, but only listed true facts – he was drunk most of the time we were with him and we also did not receive much of what we were promised. He also led us on the walk out at 4:30 am; not explaining to us that that was leaving late so we were wading waist deep through surf with logs in it around rocky headlands. I am a professional guide in the western US and he took took risks that made us as clients uncomfortable . . . not to mention poor ethics for feeding wildlife and accepting our wishes that he also not do so.
Just an addition – DO NOT confuse this Felix Menocal of Osa Travel with another Felix (unknown last name but runs the Las Cotinga’s Lodge in Bahia Drake). We used each on either end of our tour to Corcovado, and Las Continga’s Felix is an AWESOME guide – patient, kind, very knowledgable, safe, friendly, and great customer service. PLEASE DO use Las Continga’s and that Felix if you have a chance – one of the best in all my years of travel!
Thank you for your comments Skot. Sadly, I am not surprised others have had similar issues with him. I already know this post has swayed others from contracting him as a guide, so I feel I have done some good here. Thank you also for recommending worthwhile guides. I might have to check this “other Felix” out next time.
The moral of this story, as it lives on on the web is: don’t mess with travel bloggers (or anyone else) as the Internet has a long memory and can make or break your business.
Thanks for sharing mate. I just met Felix and got a bad vibe from our first chat, you jist confirmed everything and saved me a lot of money so thanks a lot for the post!
I am glad my unpleasant experience saved you a similar unfortunate time. I hope you had a great time in Corcovado and in Costa Rica.
Please do not confuse my company osatravelcostarica with the company
My name is Roger Blakemore I am the owner of osatravelcostarica.com
I am not a guide but use the very best ones in Jimenez and have a good
Reputation for service and honesty.
The comments posted were about Felix Menocal who runs a different company called osatravel.
There is no connection, just back luck on my part we have similar names.
I am very sorry if this post has had negative effects on your business. I talked to another guide after what happened to me, and he said when something like this happens all the guides suffer because visitors think the whole country is crooked. People like Felix need to know that they represent not only themselves, but their peers, and their country.
Thanks a lot Ted. I was about to book with Felix and you saved me. I am planning a trip with my daughters and it’d be bad to get stranded there. Thanks a lot again.
Hi Gunny, if you need a good guide, I can recommend one who is passionate about making sure visitors to Corcovado have a great experience. I am glad you read this as I know you would not have that with Felix.
Please recommend the guide. Also, please advise what’ll be the nominal charge for the guiding service for a group of three (I more open to sharing with fellow travelers). Just want to get a ball park estimate 😉
I sent you an email with his email address. I am not sure what the price would be. I would ask Nito. He is fair and will give you a competitive rate. More importantly, he will make sure you have an adventure of a lifetime.
Corrected email address
We had a similar bad experience with Felix and Osa Travel, it should be posted everywhere!!!
We look forward to helping all Corcovado travelers. Namaste.
It is good to know there are tour guides out there looking to help travelers.
Just want to put in a good word for Felix, me and my GF read this post after we’ve had booked him and couldn’t understand that the guy we’ve talked to so much on WhatsApp, thats always available and acts very professional every time he answers, would be the person you guys describe.
we had 3 days(2nights) in Corcovado with Felix and he was awesome, he went the extra mile all the time. That we never saw the other guides do for their clients. All guides had socks in their shoes, felix never wore socks (if even shoes), a true jungle man!
I can understand some people find him “unsafe” and takes risk… but hey… wrap your self in bubbelwrap and hide in a closet if you want to feel safe and don’t go into one of the wildest jungles in the world. We’re not thrill seekers either, but there is a risk going in the jungle and we felt very safe with Felix guiding us thru it even thru the adrenalin rushes.
Remember communication is muy importante if you don’t want to get scammed, get it signed on paper whats expected and what price you agreed on.
// Tobias and Emma, Sweden.
First of all, there is another guide in Corcovado named Felix. Perhaps you had him instead.
I had an amazing experience with Felix on day one. I mentioned this in the post. When he wants to be a good guide, he can be the best. Sadly, he bolted and left me in the jungle and would not refund my money. I don’t feel that I need to get something in writing from someone. Your word is your word. He reneged on his word, so I wrote this review. This experience really negated not only my time in Corcovado but in Costa Rica in general. I was only there for one week, so one person ripping me off left a lasting impression.
I have had many emails and other comments from people who have had similar experiences with him. There are other negative reviews of him on other websites and forums. However, there are some positive reviews: consider yourselves lucky you got the good Felix. I am glad to hear you had a good time in Corcovado.
I hope he has finally realized the world is a small place, and he cannot continue to stay in business by providing bad service to people who come to Osa.
Dear Ted. Look how long you discuss what you want to advertise on my… Please with that price that I did you any tour guide take you to the forest. I DID BECUASE I LOVE MY JOB… I do not let you alone in the forest, agreed launched in two days and if I went out by plane as if I had walked. I dont think is problem. Remember that you mentioned that you dont wanted to paid 3 days. But; please stop talking about me anymore. I NEED RESPECT… And if it’s important I’ll refund your money offered. I’M NOT BAD PERSON like you describe in your blog. Its very nasty from you; all your comments and repply, all the clients that bring are very happy with me. You said that you where too the first day, and the second day I finish my day work, i was available to take the plane; or hike out or you where expect to walk out with me for the same price?. Send me you address bank to send your Money. I want to hear soon or send me email. Regards. Felix
I totally agree with Tobias J. We had a wonderful time with a very nice and professional guide all three days in the corcovado! And, you would’t believe, but it’s the same you are so nasty against!
We didn’t trust your Homepage and booked Felix neverthless!!! And we were more than satisfied with him!
Respect his work and stop your campaign finally!
The Corcovado National Park is wonderful. There are many different animals and plants, which can be seen. We walked from Puerto Jimenz to the Sirena ranger station. And we stayed there for two nights. Walking next to the ocean and though the rain-forest was breathtaking.
But please be aware about the tour guide, which was with us! His name is Felix Menocal and he represents the Osa Travel agency in Puerto Jimenez. He has a good knowledge about wildlife, but he is arrogant and not respectful. He made fun about his customers and an other female tour guide, which we met along the way. In his point of view, women should not be tour guides. He took minimum care about our safety. He lost us twice in the rain-forest. The first time, he did not even look for us when we ended up walking into a wrong direction. One time, we had to cross a river. He crossed the river quickly himself and told that we should take our time to cross the river. He told us that is our decision, how we should cross the river. He was watching us from the other side enjoying the sun. He came to help and assist us once it was already too late. Because of the strong current we fell into the water with our backpacks. We saw that all other tour-guides were right next to their customers, when they crossed the rivers. He was always rushing and stayed with two other guests, which also walked rather fast because they did take many pictures. We payed for three days. But at the end, our tour lasted only two days and a half. Also, we agreed that he would only have us – two guests – for this tour. So we paid the price for two people. At the end, he added two more Spanish speaking people to the group. We were four people and he spoke most of the time Spanish. Please be aware about this tour-guide. This national park is wonderful. Enjoy it as much as possible and do not let unprofessional tour-guides influence your experience there.
Sorry you had this unfortunate experience, but at least you have a good attitude about it. The faults of a tour guide should not be associated with the country or the place. Corcovado is an amazing place, but it is much more enjoyable when you have a more professional guide.
Thanks a lots, the N.P. was very beautiful and on person like is Felix, We will very soon forgot and remember only the nice N.P..But the way the agency is calling now OSA green travel
Unfortunately, I read all the bad reviews here about Osa Travel only after our visit to Costa Rica. Would have saved me quite some money and unpleasent experience. We had paid a three day trip with Felix in advance and had to change this to a one day trip (due to changed flight dates). Felix assured that this is possible and he would refund the ca. 400 USD in cash once we are in Puerto Jimenez. Once we met him, he said, he would transfer the money in two weeks time and that we should trust him- that was half a year ago. He won’t reply to emails anymore. The trip itself was nice – but just since Corcovado is. Felix is not a guy you want to spend a day or even longer with – he is annoying and not really motivated. The whole tour was pretty much improvised and by far not worth the money.
Save yourself a lot of trouble and book another tour guide – there are enough guides who are much better. Felix Menocal is a fraud. Do visit Corcovado though, it is an amazingly beautiful place.
Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear you had an unfortunate experience Oliver, but I am not surprised. There were a couple of positive reviews from a couple of commenters recently who were hostile towards me and this article. I was beginning to think that possibly Felix was turning it around and realized he needed better customer service.
The last two comments have shown otherwise, and I think the positive comments were possibly written by Felix himself or a friend. I hope someday soon that Costa Rica streamlines the guiding service at Corcovado like they do at Manual Antonio to make sure that all visitors not only are not taken advantage of, but get the kind of experience they deserve at this incredible place.
thank you for your comment,
Always I repply yours emails, your cancel the trip for 3 days, in the last minute, Its was no my problem. was all ready paid-full the expedition, with meais, entrances fees, etc, I offer to your to put it back part it the money back; yes, but the corcovado office they dont refund money, waht I sould be doit? but if you still need need your money I can send let me know , I can take from my money, but thank you againg for your comments and I know my services that I give, I try to do the best always.