Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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In previous posts I have described that sometimes while adventure traveling adversity must be dealt with and overcome. The first example was taken from a bus trip from Bangkok to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Then I provided another example from a recent trip to Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. In the last post I described an awful couple of days camping due to hordes of mosquitoes and hot humid temperatures. This post will explain how enduring that difficult time set up a couple of days in paradise.

Silver Falls Quetico

Silver Falls in Quetico Provincial Park

We cleared the last couple portages of the Falls Chain and finally made it to Kawnipi. It was a cloudy overcast day, but hardly any wind, which was perfect for canoeing.  The mosquitoes were fierce on the last portage, but we made our goal.  Now we just had to paddle ten miles to the northern edge of this vast lake.  Incredibly, over the next four days everything turned around.

Lake Kawnipi

Lake Kawnipi

Kawnipi can be a difficult lake to paddle on when windy, but the lake was like a pane of glass.  When we made it to our campsite the sun magically appeared as the point where we wanted to camp came into view. We pulled into our campsite and we were elated. We were even more joyous to find that the mosquitoes were not so bad here. I have no idea why, but there were a few around during the day, but nothing like the swarms we experienced earlier.

Lake Kawnipi

The sun magically appears as we head toward paradise

The next two days were spent fishing, swimming, and canoeing in one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. The amazing thing is that we did not see a soul. In the four days we spent on Kawnipi we saw three canoes and they were all over a mile away from us. It is awesome to have a wilderness lake like Kawnipi to yourself.

Lake Kawnipi Quetico

Beautiful Lake Kawnipi

The highlight was the second day. We went out fishing and caught enough fish for a fish and pancake brunch. My Dad caught two enormous smallmouth bass and an impressive walleye, and I caught a nice northern. The taste of fresh fish from these crystalline waters cannot be matched.

Lake Kawnipi fishing

Northern pike and smallmouth bass caught on Kawnipi

We relaxed in camp for an hour or two and returned to the lake for more fishing. We caught enough fish for an all you can eat dinner. While cleaning the fish an osprey flew over us with a huge walleye in its talons. Even the birds were enjoying this amazing day.

Lake Kawnipi fishing

All you can eat fish fry on Lake Kawnipi

The two horrible days prior to heaven were now a mere interesting story told around the campfire. If we would have turned around we would never have experienced the memorable days on Kawnipi. Sometimes in adventure travel there is no gain without pain.

Lake Kawnipi is worth the effort

Adventure on!


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