Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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The last time I ran the Chicago Marathon, I crossed my fingers and joined the lottery. Lucky for me, I won and got to run 26.2 miles. I was sure happy I won that contest. This year, I am leaving nothing to chance. I joined the Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders Racing Team.

Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders Racing Team

Winning the lottery in 2013 made me happy, but by joining the Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders racing team, my entry is assured

Related: Traveling Ted wins the Chicago Marathon Lottery

Joining the Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders Racing team assures a spot

Running for the Big Shoulders Racing Team guaranteed me a spot for the race. No more sweating out a lottery. I will sweat it out on the course instead. In return for the spot, I pledged to raise $1,500 for the organization.

Big Shoulders Racing Team

Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders Racing Team

So with this post, I officially begin my 2016 begging campaign. Please click here in order to support my effort to help the Big Shoulders Fund. Big Shoulders is an organization that supports schools in the neediest neighborhoods in Chicago. Having been a substitute teacher for many years in the Chicago Public Schools, this is an effort I can get behind.

Big Shoulders Fund Racing Team

Chicago Marathon Big Shoulders Racing Team

Training update

After a successful beginning to the training season, I have recently come across a snag. While running a ten mile run last week, my calves cramped up. I was running in Northbrook and got in my car and drove home. When I got out of my car, I could hardly walk the block to my home. I blame the condition on running in the high heat and humidity that plagued the Chicago area and nation last week.

Since then I have been massaging my calves, drinking lots of liquids, and rest. Despite the set back, it might turn out to be the best thing for me assuming I can get back into my training regimen in a couple of days. I was feeling worn out with all the miles I had been running lately.

Chicago Lakefront Trail

At the Ardmore Beach which begins the Chicago Lakefront Trail celebrating 500+ miles run this year

First long run in Door County

I ran 14 miles a couple of weeks ago in Potawatomi State Park in Door County Wisconsin. This was my first long run, and it went well. After that though, I really felt tired. I think it was due to all the driving I did that weekend plus the early wake ups, and the long day kayaking in the sun. My plan is to start running again slowly this week, and I feel I should be back up to the big miles soon, so I hope this is just a mild hiccup in my training.

Potawatomi State Park

My 14 mile long run at Potawatomi State Park in Door County, Wisconsin

Read my posts from my experience running the race three years ago:

Running, walking, peeing the Chicago Marathon

That time at the Chicago Marathon photo essay

Running the Chicago Marathon and falling back in love with my hometown

Chicago Marathon long run on the Lakefront Trail

Adventure on!

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