Porn legend John Holmes would have been the poster boy for the Movember movement if not for his tragic death in 1988 – Wikimedia
I have heard about the Movember movement for a couple of years now, but I never really understood what it was about. I figured it was just an excuse for guys to look like a 70s porn star and have their significant others be ok with it.
It was not until Leah from Leah’s Travels invited me to write my manly bucket list that I truly discovered that is was more than a post Halloween excuse to dress up like John Holmes. I discovered the movement is a mustache growing charity event held during November that raises funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancers.
I also found out that Man Made is supporting the Movember charity for the third year and is bringing in travel blogger Raymond Walsh from Man on the Lam to raise awareness. The Man on the Lam will be completing his own Manly Bucket List on the road with Man Made during the month of November.
I will not be growing a mustache in November or anytime soon. I will not personally be participating in the Movember movement; however, Thanks to Leah’s invitation, I can help raise awareness to the charity by writing my manly bucket list.
1. Hike the Appalachian Trail
Running 26.2 miles was not enough. I need to hike the almost entire Eastern Seaboard on a mountainous ridge from Georgia to Maine carrying all I need for the trip on my back. I think 2,180 miles of trail is manly enough.

Camping with grizzly bears would indeed be manly – Wikimedia free use given by Servheen Chris, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2. Camp overnight in Grizzly country
I have camped many nights in black bear country, but I have never taken the plunge in a western park like Yellowstone or Glacier. This is partly because I live closer to the east coast where only the cute black bear lives, and the other reason is I am scared shitless of being torn out of my tent by a 600 pound grizzly. If I could overcome this fear just for one night I would not need a mustache to make me look sexy.
3. Hit a baseball in a major league park
Since we are talking men’s health here, we need one item to be about balls. Sorry that mine entails hitting one really hard. I have always loved baseball, and I am an avid softball player. I would love to get a chance to hit batting practice in a major league ballpark. Perhaps I could hit one or two balls out of the infield.
4. Play guitar on a street corner and not get arrested and perhaps earn a coin or two
You see those guitar players on street corners belting out the Eagles, Rolling Stones, the Beatles while people pass by on their way to work, home, or play. They usually have their guitar cases open and hope that people fill them with money. I would love to be one of those street performers one day.
I almost took the plunge in Toronto during TBEX. A guitarist playing near the closest liquor store gave me the idea. Then I saw that he actually had a permit laminated in a lanyard that he was wearing around his neck. In a city where the liquor store hour laws are strict, I figured the laws for illegal street guitar playing would be even tougher. I might have been sentenced to actually sit through a TBEX seminar. How horrid, so I passed: someday soon though.

Bottom right under the large pine tree is the down tree that almost saw me live out my chain saw dream
5. Use a chain saw
I almost had the chance to do this last winter. While training for the American Birkebeiner cross-country ski marathon in northern Minnesota, a tree had fallen on our dock at our cabin. Our neighbor offered the use of his chain saw. I immediately had visions of tearing up that tree and making a nice bundle of firewood. It never happened as I was too busy skiing to put aside a half day to go Texas chainsaw massacre on the downed tree. This might have been a good thing.
How You Can Get Involved:
Calling All Bloggers!
Since the aim is raising awareness of Movember and men’s health issues, I know the power the blogging community has to do just that. I’m asking any blogger that is interested to get involved by doing the following:
- Choose 5 activities you’d like to do and create your own Manly Bucket List – they can be something you commit to do during Movember, or simply something you’d like to do before you kick the bucket. (Ladies, this is open to you too! Mo Bros and Mo Sistahs are equally welcome!)
- Nominate 5 other bloggers to create their own Manly Bucket List.
- Include a link to Movember to encourage people to register or donate.
- Tweet and Share your posts with the hashtags #Movember and #ManlyMoments
Here are the 5 bloggers I nominate to create their own Manly Bucket List:
- Leslie and Jake from Downtown Traveler
- Jason from Jasons Travels
- Lance from Trips by Lance
- Leigh from Hike Bike Travel
- Gabriel and Jade from We Travel and Blog
Not a Blogger? Here’s something everyone can do:
- Read along as I attempt to complete my Manly Bucket List at MadeMan.com/Movember
- Follow along on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtags #Movember and #ManlyMoments
- Go to Movember.com to find out more about men’s health issues, support a Mo Bro or Mo Sistah, or to register to become one yourself.
- Check out the schedule for the Made Man Movember Mo’asis Bus Tour and come on by if you are in the neighborhood for free shaves and tons of great activities.
- And, if you’ve got some spare cash lying around, DONATE!
In addition, every time you send a Tweet, a Vine, an Instagram, or post to Facebook with your own manly photo or text using the hashtag #ManlyMoments, the folks at Made Man will donate $1 to Movember.
You’ll also be entered into a draw for a Trip for Two to Las Vegas to experience your very own Mancation which includes the Top Gun Experience from Sky Combat Ace.
The goal of Traveling Ted is to inspire people to outdoor adventure travel and then provide tips on where and how to go. If you liked this post then enter your email in the box to get email notifications for each new entry. Daily travel photos are excluded from your email in order to not flood you with posts. There is no spam and email information will not be shared. Other e-follow options include Facebook (click on the like box to the right) or twitter (click on the pretty bird on the rainbow above).
On the right sidebar is a donate button. If you would like to donate in order to support the site, it would be appreciated. All donations would cover travel expenses and improvements to make the site better.
Thanks Ted for such a wonderful post. Movember sounds an amazing project. Creating awareness is the only way to reduce ignorance.
Jeff recently posted..Are Credit Cards Really the Danger That People Claim?
Thanks Jeff!
Good man, Ted. I love your list!
Jason’s Travels recently posted..An Hawaii Whale Watching Cruise from Lanai
Thanks Jason,
Hope to see your effort in November.
Challenge accepted =)
Gabriel recently posted..Wallpaper Wednesday – November 6th – Crashing Wave
Look forward to your post Gabriel!
I’ve been dying to get my paws on a chainsaw too Ted! Thanks so much for creating a Manly Bucket List to support #Movember — very much appreciated!! 🙂
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..My Manly Bucket List to support #Movember & #ManlyMoments
Thanks for nominating Leah. You are like my Movember manly list grandfather 🙂
Now you just made me feel old. 🙁
(kidding of course) 🙂
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..VIDEO: Flying a fighter plane, getting my ass spanked, & other #ManlyMoments
Fantastic list Ted and I’ll take up the challenge and get a post out next week or maybe even tomorrow to make up for my site being down all day today.
I’d like you to know that I can handle a chainsaw with great aplomb but it’s been a while. You do the Appalachian Trail and I’ll do the Pacific Crest Trail – actually a month hiking through the Sierra Nevadas would be good enough for me.
I’ll get some input from my husband and maybe even see if he’d like to be a co-contributer to the post.
Leigh recently posted..Exploring Nova Scotia’s South Shore by Bicycle
I just love the fact that someone wrote a comment and used the word aplomb in a sentence: one of my favorite words.
Challenge accepted. I would not camp with Grizzlies. I’m intrigued about the Appalachian Trail. My only problem would be the whole leaving work and my family behind for so long. I would like to hike part of it at least.
Trips By Lance recently posted..Reflections of Fort Worth Culture
I am glad I am not the only one concerned about camping in behemoth grizzly country. I would not feel so bad if I was with other hikers because as they say you don’t have to outrun the grizzly, just the other humans around 🙂 Problem is, I usually hike and camp alone.
I SO hope you come to New York when you decide to play guitar on the street corner… I can recommend a few spots… and no worries, the liquor laws here are nothing like Toronto and Ontario.
stay manly, Craig
Craig Zabransky recently posted..Adventure Awaits at the Niagara Falls
I was thinking of more along the lines of Terre Haute, Indiana over New York City. NYC would be a little intimidating, but if I can make it there you know what they say. I will just have to stay sober until I perform to avoid the debacle that occurred that night in Toronto.
Great cause entry…and a quite manly bucket list. Well done..
Charles Higgins recently posted..Las Vegas Examiner’s top five Vegas Strip casinos for blackjack play
Thanks Charles, taking part in Movember is quite easy for yourself 🙂
Make sure you set up a camera outside your tent to capture the moment when the grizzly shows up to visit!
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..On the Other Side of the Golden Horn
It would be my luck to go viral and not be around to enjoy it 🙂
No no no no.. you NEED to grow the moustache. Come on!
@mrsoaroundworld recently posted..A fun girls weekend in LA, California-style
No thanks Mrs. O,
I have sideburns. Good enough for me.
Mission accomplished =). You can check out our top 5 below!!
Gabriel recently posted..Movember Manliness
Thanks again Gabriel for your wonderful contribution!
really need to do my list! i love MOVEMBER!! i can say this much, chainsaw won’t be on it… they scare me.
lola recently posted..Lola’s Cocktail ‘Pink Love Affair’ for Breast Cancer Awareness
Look forward to your pink list Lola.
those are some pretty manly things you’ve got listed… I like the sit on a corner and play the guitar.. who knows you can make a pretty penny and donate it. <3
I think I will donate it to the RWTBEX liquor reserve 2014.
Great List!
You and I have number 1 in common! Maybe we should hike that together 🙂
Erik recently posted..#ManlyMoments Bucket List