Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Carnival is over, but the lasting image for most will be the beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago. There is also the colorful costumes, the beautiful women, the pageantry, the beautiful women, the food, the beautiful women, the drinking, the beautiful women, the great times, and the beautiful women.

Related – Seven delicious foods from Trinidad & Tobago

Did I happen to mention there were many beautiful women dressed up in Port of Spain for this year’s party? This group of photos will appeal more to the gentlemen, but the female crowd will also enjoy the amazing colors, feathers, and sparkle found in the gorgeous Carnival costumes. Here is a photo essay of a few of the beautiful ladies at this year’s Carnival.

Which one do you think is the most beautiful or has the best outfit? Leave a comment at the bottom.

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago at Carnival

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago – Number 1. Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 2. One of the beautiful ladies of Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 3. It was one bright beautiful costume after another at Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago – Number 4. Three in one shot in this picture

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago – Number 5. The weather is not the only thing hot in Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 6. Another bright costume with a gorgeous smile

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 7. So many colorful costumes at Trinidad & Tobago’s Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Beautiful women of Trinidad & Tobago – Number 8. This woman looks like one of the Supremes back in the day

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 10. Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Number 11. Trinidad & Tobago Carnival

Adventure on!

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