Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Traveling Ted disembarks for Costa Rica from Chicago

Traveling Ted disembarks the madre mobile in Chicago to Costa Rica

As you may know, the author is embarking on a ten day adventure travel trip in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a well developed country with infinite places to access the internet through cafes and wi-fi. As long as I have access, I will be posting daily.

Costa Rican breakfast

True breakfast of champions: Banana pancakes, fresh fruit, fresh Costa Rican coffee with Tweetdeck

The first set chronicles my trip from Chicago O’Hare to Alajuela, Costa Rica near the airport. My mom dropped me off at the Dunkin’ Donuts on Foster and Western. I took the Foster 81 bus to Jefferson Park then the CTA Blue line to O’Hare where I then took off on Spirit Airlines to Costa Rica with a one hour layover in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The trip through immigration, customs, and baggage claims was incredibly smooth at Juan Santa Maria Airport. I also exchanged some dinero for some colon although this seemed to be unnecessary as my cabbie and the hostel I am staying at accepted U.S. dollars.

You always hear about getting ripped off by cabbies at the airport, but I got a really nice signor, and I arrived safe and sound in my hostel at Alajuela Backpacker Hostel in no time.

Alajuela Backpackers Hostel Costa Rica

Helen at the recepcion (front desk) at Alajuela Backpackers Hostel

This morning I was served a delicious banana pancake breakfast by Helen at the hostel, and I had some time to check the internet while I wait for a bus into the capital. Next couple of days will be in San José before I head off for some amazing adventures in the rain forests and jungles of this beautiful country.


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