Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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This last Sunday, I completed my second Chicago Marathon.  It was the first time I incorporated a GoPro. I used the GoPro Hero 4 and mounted it via the chest mount. I can report the I did not experience any chafing from wearing the mount. It felt comfortable. I used the ten second time lapse to capture these Chicago Marathon GoPro time lapse photos. I would not recommend the chest mount for video though. I think the head mount provides a more stable mount for video.

Chicago Marathon GoPro

Chicago Marathon GoPro photo essay – Although this is the one picture not shot with my GoPro

Related: Running, walking, and peeing the Chicago Marathon

I had hoped to run a personal best this year, but unfortunately I hurt my calf in July. I tried to rest it and stretch and come back in a week, but I re-injured it three more times. I finally realized it was more serious than a pulled muscle. I rested it for three weeks while doing toe raises. This finally healed it, but I missed over six weeks of training during the most critical stretch.

GoPro Chicago Marathon

GoPro selfie at Grant Park

GoPro Chicago Marathon

At the starting line with 40,000 other runners

The most I ran when I finally got healthy at one time was six miles. I knew a personal best was not in the cards, and I feared I might not even complete ten miles. I was running for charity, so I did not want to cancel my participation. Click here if you would like to check out my worthy cause.

GoPro HERO5 Black

GoPro chest mount

Chicago Marathon GoPro mounted from the chest mount

I started off feeling ok, and I felt pretty good through ten miles, but around the halfway point things began to unravel. I passed the halfway point at 2:14 minutes, and I began to walk at 12 miles, so I did pretty decent through 13.1. The next 13.1 were a different story.

Chicago Marathon runners

Chicago Marathon runners near the beginning in the downtown area

Chicago Marathon is not a lonely venture

I concentrated on getting some GoPro footage since I knew I would not have such a great time. There are over 1.5 million spectators that line the course. The crowd is amazing. They make us feel like rock stars. I remember when I ran cross-country meets in high school the only people that cheered us on were our coaches, teammates, a team members family member or two, and if we were lucky an actual fan..

Chicago Marathon downtown

Another downtown GoPro shot during the Chicago Marathon

When training there is never any support unless you are running with someone. That is why they call long distance running a lonely venture. This is not the case during the Chicago Marathon. Thank you so much to anyone who goes out and gives us support and also to the wonderful volunteers.

GoPro Chicago Marathon

Chicago GoPro Marathon shots

I dedicate this photo essay to the spectators and volunteers who so selflessly give so much to make this event great. I also give high fives to my fellow marathon runners. Only a marathon runner knows how difficult it is to run a marathon. I have so much respect for every runner that stood on that starting line and  finished. Heck, even if you don’t finish, you have my respect for even trying.

Chicago Marathon GoPro photos

Chicago Marathon GoPro photos

Disappointing finish but there is always next year

I limped to the finish line, although I did run the last one mile without stopping after a run walk combination the last 14 miles. I may not have achieved my goal, but at least I captured some fun shots from a great race. There is always next year.

GoPro time lapse

First shot of the amazing fans at the Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon GoPro photo essay

GoPro high five

I loved giving high fives to the spectators

Chicago Marathon

Great advice from one spectator – #Dontpoop

GoPro selfie

GoPro selfie around the 10 mile mark

Chicago Marathon GoPro

Chicago Marathon GoPro photos

GoPro Elvis

Most epic picture ever #Elvislives

GoPro Chicago Marathon

GoPro Chicago Marathon photos

GoPro Chicago Marathon

More shots of the wonderful crowd

GoPro Chicago Marathon

All hail the Sears I mean Willis Tower

GoPro Sears Tower

Running towards the iconic Sears Tower

Chicago Marathon

Here comes the sun – What a beautiful day for a run

Chicago Marathon halfway

Mile 13 at the Chicago Marathon – Almost halfway through

GoPro Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon GoPro photos

GoPro pain temporary

True words, but it surely did not feel like it at the time

GoPro Chicago Marathon

More great crowd photos as Venezuela is represented to my right

Chicago Marathon GoPro photos

Fall colors beginning to show during the Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon running photos

A woman collapses and a group of good samaritans come to her aid – Miraculously, she got up and started running again

GoPro Chicago Marathon

Sun lighting up the blond hair of the runner next to me

GoPro Willis Tower

Watchya talking about Willis Tower

GoPro sun

They say when you die you see light, I sure felt like it at this point, but I managed to finish

Adventure on!

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