Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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After a grueling 6.5 hour epic 51 kilometer cross-country ski marathon through Gatineau Park in the Outaouais Region of Québec I was glad just to finish. I have no desire to see what place I came in. I know I was not last, but I was far from first or even middle of the pack. It does not matter because everyone gets a medal here.

Gatineau Loppet cross-country skiing

Gatineau Loppet photos

Read my narrative of my experience in the race here – Gatineau Loppet winter frostbite adventure

GoPro Gatineau Loppet photos

I feel fairly certain I did win one category in the Gatineau Loppet. Thanks to my GoPro camera, digital camera, and iPhone, I took almost 300 photos of the race and two videos. I did not see another contestant taking pictures. Although I do not win anything for such a distinction, I do have the honor of sharing the beautiful Gatineau Park as well as interesting action shots from the race in this photo essay.


About three to five  inches of snow fell the night before and the morning of Saturday[s 51 kilometer classic race on top of an accumulation between two to three feet. This made the course slow but the woods beautiful. Since I was going at a slow pace anyway, what is a few more minutes to take pictures of the amazing wintry forest.

Unfortunately, my GoPro camera fogged up during the middle of the race. I bought anti fogger tablets, but when I read the directions the morning of the race I was dejected to find I needed to place it in an oven in order to activate. I usually do not have an oven around when I am on an adventure. By the time I finished the temperature soared to about 5 degrees Fahrenheit, which enabled me to start using the camera again as the casing on the camera was now clear.

The start

The Loppet begins in an open section in Wakefield, which is at the northern end of Gatineau Park. This open area is short lived as after a couple of kilometers the course ducks into the deep woods.


Gatineau Loppet start

Double poling at the start

Gatineau Loppet snowfall

Gatineau Loppet photos – Snow coming down hard at the beginning of the race



Gatineau Loppet GoPro

After a couple of kilometers it was time to head into the woods

The beautiful woods of Gatineau Park

Once we hit the woods I was really glad I had the GoPro on the one minute time lapse because I would have wanted to stop every two minutes to take pictures. The scenery was gorgeous with huge pine trees covered with snow. I definitely would love to come back and explore this beautiful park in either winter or summer.

Gatineau Loppet woods

Heading into the snowy woods


Gatineau Park Quebec

The race through the point of view of two ski poles

Gatineau Loppet race photos

Through the woods at Gatineau Park during the Loppet

Fanny pack Gatineau Loppet

Feeling at home among the fanny packs


Madshus skis

A shot of my new Madshus skis, poles, and boots

My skis and the competition ahead

My skis and the competition ahead



Fanny pack

Another skier another fanny pack


Gatineau Loppet

Skiing Gatineau Park during the Loppet

Gatineau Loppet

Good form going on my left


GOPro Gatineau Loppet

GoPro shots in the Gatineau woods

GoPro Gatineau Loppet

Suddenly I am almost by myself

Gatineau Loppet 2015

Gatineau Loppet 2015

Gatineau Loppet 2015

Gatineau Loppet 2015

Gatineau Loppet

Where did everyone go?

Gatineau Park skiing

White tunnel an Gatineau Park

Gatineau Loppet Canada

Gatineau Loppet 51 Kilometer classic

Gatineau Loppet

Gatineau Park skiing

Gatineau Loppet skiing

Have him in my sights

Gatineau Loppet GoPro photos

Making ground

Gatineau Loppet Canada

Passed – Note, this skier probably passed me back later

Gatineau Loppet

Sun trying to break out and warm up the sub zero temperatures

GoPro problems

Then the GoPro fogged up and turned everything surreal

The Gatineau Park road and finish

Around the late 20 kilometer mark, the  course came out of the woods and on to the Gatineau Park roads. They do not plow the roads inside the park, so they are suitable for skiing and snowshoeing. Although it was still beautiful, the scenery and the trail character waned in my opinion. I kept waiting for the course to go back into the woods, but it did not happen until the very end.

Gatineau Park road skiing

On to the roads in Gatineau Park

Gatineau Loppet

From the Gatineau Road

Gatineau Loppet skiing

Making a push for the finish line

Gatineau Loppet

One last uphill climb

Madshus skis

Take me home Madshus skis

Gatineau Loppetrace

Coming out of the forest to the clearing and the finish line

Gatineau Loppet finish

After over 50 kilometers, it boils down to this straightaway to the finish line

Gatineau Loppet finish line

A few brave and kind souls staying out in the cold to cheer on the late arriving ski racers

Gatineau Loppet finis

And the end

Gatineau Loppet medal

Congratulations to all who participated and thank you to the Gatineau Loppet for putting on such a great race

It was an incredible adventure through the beautiful Gatineau Park. Despite the bitter cold, it was still a great race. My trip was in part sponsored by Tourism Quebec and Tourism Outaouais. The thoughts, opinions, photos, and video are my own.

Adventure on!

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