Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Cute boy Chiang Mai

Cute boy in Chiang Mai to the rescue

While on a Karen Hill tribe trek near Chiang Mai, Thailand we were brought into a house to see how they lived. It was kind of strange to have eight foreigners crammed in this little house while they were cooking, but they did not seem perturbed.  We took a few obligatory photographs and moved on.

As soon as we left, I noticed the lens in my camera was missing. Thinking I must have left it in the house I returned. They did not speak English, but quickly understood I was looking for something. I could not find it, so I smiled and moved on.

Walking quickly to rejoin the group, I all of a sudden heard a pitter patter of feet behind me. I turned around and this little guy was running as fast as he could with my camera lens in his hand extended toward me. I could tell he was excited to help me out. I could not thank him in his language, but it did not matter as words were unnecessary. He was happy to have found it and returned it, and I appreciated his help.


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