Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Summer vacation packing tips

Summer vacation packing tips – Photo courtesy of

Summer is one of the most highly anticipated times of the year. Summertime is typically the perfect time to enjoy fun outdoor activities, such as swimming, biking, hiking, horse-riding, camping, stargazing, and more. It also makes an ideal time to travel with your family and friends for vacation. However, going for a summer vacation involves a lot of planning and preparations, from choosing the ideal destination and mode of transport to booking accommodation.

Perhaps the most important thing when preparing for your summer vacation is packing your bags. You need to decide what to carry and how to pack everything in your luggage to ensure a hassle-free travel experience. Once you’ve booked your summer vacation trip with a reputable tour operator like Leisure Time Tours, you need to pack proper clothing and other necessities smartly and safely in your bags. Here are a few tips to help you pack for your upcoming summer vacation:

Traveling Ted disembarks for Costa Rica from Chicago

Summer vacation packing tips – No need to dress up

1. Pack Comfortable Clothing

When preparing for a summer vacation, it’s crucial that comfortable clothes will enable you to enjoy each moment of the vacation. Your bag should not contain only new or never worn clothes since they may not fit you well or they may be uncomfortable for the existing surrounding.

Pack your clothing depending on the holiday activities you plan to undertake. For example, if your destination is on the beach, then swimwear is the ideal clothing, whereas if your activities involve hiking, you will need different types of clothes.

2. Carry Important Travel Documents

Some of the most important documents you should not forget to pack when traveling include your ID, passport, or visa. You should visit the embassy website of the destination country to check if there are other specific documents you’re required to have. Other important documents to carry with you include a boarding pass, driving license, hotel information, and travel insurance. It’s also important to keep copies of all your travel documents in case you misplace them or they’re stolen on vacation.

3. Don’t Forget to Pack Toiletries

While most hotels have basic toiletries, it’s crucial that you carry your own when going for a summer vacation. You shouldn’t make the mistake of packing full-sized toiletries since they’ll take up plenty of valuable space in your bag, which you can use to pack other essentials. Instead, travel with condensed or buy travel sizes of your essentials such as your toothpaste,


Following the above tips will make packing for your summer vacation fun and exciting. Having the correct packing list can help ensure you pack all your essentials and necessities that you will require during your summer vacation. This will ensure you pack the right items for your vacation securely and strategically without wasting valuable space in your bags. It will also enable you to keep track of your luggage, minimizing the chances of mix-ups or loss.