In a year that saw unprecedented natural disasters linked to climate change, help end the year on a positive note by offsetting carbon emissions. Carbon emissions rise during the holidays with the increase in travel. Offset this rise in one hot minute by checking out Cool Effect. With the click of a mouse, you can protect the planet.

Cool Effect unfake news reporter Mr. Charles Winters
Difficult year for Planet Earth
It has been a difficult year for the environment. One news story after another highlighted how our government has decided to ignore the problem. Natural disaster like hurricanes and wildfires have become more common and more devastating. Organizations like Cool Effect are doing their part by matching worthwhile projects around the world with private donors.
Read last year’s post: Saving rainforests equals preserving cross-country ski races

2018 was a year that saw investigative reporter Charles Winter busy with wildfires and heat waves
Cool Effect promotes climate change with a sense of humor
I am not sure when climate change became a political debate, but it has. Just like all things politics, the topic of climate change is highly charged and contentious. The best way to project the message without angering half of the population is through humor and a snowman newscaster. Charles Winters reports from raging wildfires and the depths of the ocean to raise awareness to Cool Effect’s mission.

May Ranch in the Great Plains
Cool Effect projects
Cool Effect promotes high quality projects in the United States and abroad aimed at reducing our carbon footprint. Some of the projects including preserving the rainforest in Peru, preserving lemur habitat in Madagascar, preserving grasslands in the Great Plains here in the U.S., and promoting renewable turbine energy in Costa Rica. To find the project that best fits you, check out the project page on the Cool Effect website.

Renewable wind energy turbines in Costa Rica
A gift for the environmentally person who has everything
Cool effect gift bundles are the perfect Christmas gift for the person on your gift list who has everything. Everyone has that person on their gift list who has all they need who is impossible to buy for. You could get them yet another gift certificate to Starbucks or something more meaningful.

Alto Mayo Peru – Saving the rainforest is always a good idea
Travelers and outdoor enthusiasts are two types of people the Cool Effect gift would appeal to. Travelers like to stay light and prefer experiences over material objects. They are both concerned with the environment and the impact we are having in regards to climate change.
Even environmentally considerate travelers leave a footprint. Help them offset their holiday or yearly travel with a gift pack to one of the amazing Cool Effect projects. The snowman bundle is especially gift worthy thanks to the seasonal appeal.

Even little ole me left a footprint with flights to Nicaragua and Spokane, Washington
For the second year in a row, I am working with Cool Effect to raise awareness to their organization’s effort to reduce our carbon footprint and save the planet. The fact that I have been paid for this does not impact this post or my Instagram posts as Cool Effect’s vision is in line with my own. My thoughts and opinions on Cool Effect and climate change are my own. I also enjoy their light hearted approach to the serious subject.

Bring a sea of change like Cool Effect is doing to the mangroves in Myanmar
Follow Cool Effect
If you like what you have heard about Cool Effect, check them out on social media. Also check out their website and give a gift today that offsets holiday travel.
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