Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Have you ever been on a plane, bus, train, and been afraid of wandering eyes next to you when looking at your iPhone or tablet? One options is to give those eyes the Three Stooges treatment with the good old eye poke. Moe would be proud, but the eye poke is not very nice, and who wants someone’s eye gook on their hand. Gadget Guard with their Shadow-On-the-go offers a more peaceful solution.

Shadow-On-the-go is easy to store

Gadget Guard’s Shadow-On-the-go is easy to apply and easy to store. It fits easily into any carry on. One can easily slide the rigid plate that stores the device when not in use in any small backpack, fanny pack, or purse.

Gadget Guard

Shadow-On-the-go from Gadget Guard fits easily into the fanny pack

Takes seconds to apply the Shadow-On-the-go

If you feel threatened from wandering eyes, just take the Gadget Guard out of your carry on and apply. The Shadow-On-the-go adhesive allows the device to stick conveniently on your phone and does not block any functionality. You can also still manipulate the apps and slide from one screen to the next. Ever buy those iPhone gloves that don’t work very well? Rest assured the Shadow-On-the-go does not alter the ease to use your phone.

The polarization of the Shadow-On-the-go allows the user to still comfortably view the screen, but it blocks viewers who are seeking a peek from an angle. No more clandestine angle looks from your seat mate. They will be blocked with a dark screen. The darkness of the Shadow-On-the-go also makes it easier to see the screen when in direct sunlight, so you may also want to use it outside on a sunny day.

Gadget Guard sunlight

Gadget Guard’s Shadow-On-the-go makes it easier to see the screen in direct sunlight

One less fear to worry about when traveling

Do you ever find yourself on a train or bus and pick the area where no one is sitting because you do not want peeping Tom’s sneaking glances at your device? While there are still many reasons to sit alone, at least with Shadow-On-the-go, the fear of invasion of privacy can be eliminated.

Gadget Guard train

With Gadget Guard, there is one less reason to seek out the empty section of the train or bus

Some may think this is a paranoidal fear, but invasion of privacy is a real problem. A simple glance from a stranger could lead to something as small as a minor embarrassment or as large as identity theft. No need to leave anything to chance. Gadget Guard can secure your device in minutes.

Go with Gadget Guard’s Shadow-On-the-go for your next trip

Next time snooping eyes peer over the seat divide while traveling, don’t fret. There is no need for the eye poke or even a stern “excuse me.” Just pull out the Gadget Guard Shadow-On-the-go and in minutes there is safety from prying glances.

Guyana travel warning

At the Annai airport in Guyana. Next time I will have my Gadget Guard in my fanny pack

Gadget Guard sponsored this post, but the views, photos, and opinions are mine. I have tried out the device, and I definitely will use it on future travels.

Adventure on!

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