Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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If you’re heading to the UK, it is imperative that a Cornwall visit gets added to the itinerary. It’s a beautiful peninsula right down in the south west of the country.  As a result it enjoys a temperate climate.

Cornwall visit

Enjoying a Cornwall Visit to the Valley

Cornwall visit after a stop in North Wales

Because it juts out into the Atlantic it also offers the best beaches in the country. This explains why it is so popular as a tourist destination. When I found myself in the UK after a visit to North Wales, I headed south and crossed the border into England. Then I kept going further down until I reached Cornwall. A few days of relaxation ensued. This was just what I needed after my adventures in North Wales.

A stay in the The Valley

I headed for a secluded little private hamlet called The Valley, which is just a few miles outside of Cornwall’s capital Truro. The Valley is found along the road to the famous harbor town of Falmouth.

Peace The Valley

Finding peace in The Valley

It’s a collection of holiday cottages converted from old farm buildings including a barn and stables. This gives it a real country feel. The cottages all look like classic country residences, and on the inside they’re tastefully furnished and well equipped.

The one I stayed in had a fully fitted kitchen.  I cooked myself a meal that night, and I whipped up a good breakfast each day. There was a lovely living room and a spacious double bedroom with en suite, so I was able to really look after myself. There was also excellent WI-Fi. I caught up on some unfinished work avoided while kayaking and climbing in North Wales.

The cottages are all nestled in a little valley (hence the name) and in the centre is a fitness centre, heated pool and a fantastic restaurant. I ate here on one night of my stay. I had a fantastic dish, locally caught sea bass with buttery potatoes and fresh seasonal vegetable, and it’s definitely something you should try if you visit.

Exploring Cornwall

Apart from having a fantastic time on site, I had a great time exploring parts of Cornwall too. The Valley is right in the middle of the county, so I was ideally situated to venture out and see whatever I fancied.

I chose to spend a day on Gyllyngvase beach in Falmouth. Then, I wandered around the hilly streets of the historic little town too. The beach is an award winning one. It features fantastic cafes and restaurants nearby, so spending time there was definitely a good choice. The little boutiques of Falmouth gave me the chance to grab a few tasteful souvenirs.

Eden Project

Eden Project during a Cornwall visit – Wikimedia Creative Commons

On my other day in Cornwall I headed to the Eden Project, which is a stupendous place. Eden is based in the massive site of an abandoned quarry near St Austell. There are a phenomenal amount of species growing both outdoors and in the enormous biomes. I got to eat a local pasty while there, drank a local ale and wandered the grounds – but it wasn’t all relaxation. I took the chance to go on the Eden zip wire and zoomed a mile through the air over the top of the biomes. It was a real rush which I’d recommend.

Cornwall the most visited county in England

Overall I could definitely see why Cornwall is the most visited county in England because there’s just so much to see and do. I barely scraped the surface, and I’m looking forward to heading back!

Adventure on!

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