Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Extreme adventures and tourism are on the rise in Antarctica, North Pole and Arctic; consequently, experienced travelers want to discover new destinations and enjoy the beauty of wildlife.

Entertainment in the icy land of Antarctica

Nowadays, more and more people are interested in the more active type of vacation then lying on the beach or attending familiar places of interest filled with crowds and noises. Furthermore, tourists have a lot of opportunities to go to jungles and spend time in real tribes, to observe northern lights or visit Asian countries.

Extreme adventures Antarctica

Extreme adventures await you in Antarctica

Here we shall discover lands of extreme in the coldest regions of our planet, where it is possible to test your adventure spirit and to forget about daily routine – Antarctica, North Pole, and Arctic. These are the best possible places for kayaking, camping, skiing, paddle boarding, mountaineering. Anyone can choose something new and exciting to try out.

Ship Cruises

Your stamina might be tested during Antarctic ice marathon that shows you the beauty and tranquility of the surrounding wilderness. The great arctic cruise will get you acquainted with the breathtaking depths of oceans around The Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean with its wild lives of seabirds, seals, penguins. This is the most common way of traveling to the Antarctic.  There are a significant amount of ships suitable for a cruise. These include research and expedition ships, icebreakers and luxury expedition ships.

If you decide to take this fantastic trip, don’t forget to take warm clothing. Traveler will need a parka, boots, gloves and water-repellent pants.

Types of entertainment

Every experience obtained during this trip will be life-changing. They will inspire all to live a new life of adventure. The most popular and exciting polar adventures include:

Ice tracking of a new route to the South Pole. A limited number of willing participants due to extreme weather conditions. Therefore, adventurers will find solitude on this adventure. During this trip, one is going to be challenged with skiing uphill (ascent of glaciers), management of cold and altitude and conquering daily distances. Duration – up to 44 days;

Adrenaline-filled trip – kite-skiing in Antarctica. The main challenge of this expedition is kiting with the sled. One will witness amazing and breathtaking mountains views. A memorable experience to say the least. Destination point – the iconic peak of Ulvetanna (2,930 m), Wolf’s Tooth in the east part of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica first climbed in 1994. In the course of 16 days, all participants will trek 370 km.

For those who prefer shorter and safer trips, it is possible to take part in the overnight adventure with duration up to 9 days. The only challenge here is camping in cold coastal weather conditions without skiing. This is a great option for beginners.

No matter what type of extreme adrenaline-filled expedition one will choose there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy fantastic views and test yourself in extreme conditions. One will experience life-altering memories and will feel like a new person.

Adventure on!

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