Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Stagecoach Music Festival

Stagecoach Music Festival main stage

Saying Stagecoach Music Festival is all about the music sounds like the most obvious statement ever. The only pronouncement more clear is question one of a geometry problem: it is a given. For me the Haunted Windchimes proved the self evident.

There are many reasons to come to a music festival. The main motivation can vary from person to person. Some come to party, some come to check out the opposite sex, some come to bond with friends and family, some like me come for the adventure, while all the above appeal to many.

Haunted Windchimes

Haunted Windchimes on Friday afternoon at Stagecoach Music Festival

No matter what your reason for coming to Stagecoach or any music festival, there is always one or several moments where it boils down to the music. You are at one with a singer, a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer, a mandolin player, a banjo or whatever the instrument that emanates from stage in an emotional way.

Dwight Yoakam

Many Stagecoach fans probably had that moment of zen while Dwight Yoakam was pleasing the crowd

When you go back home to the office or school on Monday, you will remember the good times with friends, the funny moments, or perhaps you won’t remember much of anything. If you do stay sober enough for recall, I feel certain the most dominating memory will be a time when you were touched by a voice, a guitar solo, or an all out jam.

For me the first of several of these moments that transpired during the weekend of great country music occurred at one of the first sets at the Mustang Stage on Friday. Sometimes the best moments occur when you discover a new band at a music festival. This is similar to travel in general. When you travel the best times are the unexpected ones when a stranger helps you out of a jam or a place is way more kick ass than you thought it might be. The same is true when you stumble upon a new group at a music festival.

Stagecoach Music Festival

Stagecoach does not provide much natural shade

The midday heat was oppressive reaching over 95 degrees in the shade on Friday. Wait, there was no shade at Stagecoach Music Festival as I was in a god damn desert. On second thought, there was some shade. In the distance I saw a tent shaped structure or was that just a mirage. I fumbled over there like a bar fly trying to navigate a trip to the john at three a.m.

Mustang Stage Stagecoach

While feeling punch drunk by the heat I was summoned to the shade and the twang coming from the Mustang Stage

What I found was shade provided by a pavilion with the familiar sound of the twang of a banjo and mandolin. A bluegrass group were huddled around a stand up bassist. Although Stagecoach is noted as a country festival, they do have fair amount of bluegrass and Americana added into the mix. The band was lamenting the loss of George Jones and played an interesting Leadbelly tune in his honor.

Speaking of the man George Jones, this site would like to note his passing and dedicate this post to his wonderful memory. There were many times I have drank a beer and enjoyed the sad tones of this amazing and legendary performer. His memory will live on through his great music.

Haunted Windchimes Stagecoach

Haunted Windchimes opening Stagecoach in style

Haunted Windchimes Stagecoach Music Festival

Haunted Windchimes jamming at Stagecoach

I walked right up front and put my beer down on the hay bales that comprised the front stage and listened to the fantastic Haunted Windchimes for the next 45 minutes. They consisted of a guitarist, an upright bassist, two young ladies singing soulful background while playing ukulele and guitar, and another member who played just about everything from banjo to accordion. One of the women also sang lead and had angelic voice as you can hear from the above video.

I could not believe my luck. It was 1:30 p.m. on opening day of the festival. I was just trying to kill some time and drink a beer before the familiar acts came along. It turned out the hour was not killed, but preserved in my memory forever. Thank you Haunted Windchimes for providing a great performance right from the start at Stagecoach that will linger positively in my personal music festival lore.

Have you been to a music festival or a good concert lately? Ever get surprised at a show by a group you never heard of before or one that played better than you thought they would?

Be sure to check out the Haunted Windchimes when they come to a city near you.

My trip to Stagecoach was sponsored by Toyota who revealed the 2014 Forerunner at the festival. The thoughts, opinions, photos, videos, and beer similes are purely my own.


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