Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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The best way to deal with the winter holidays is to embrace them. For me, this meant learning to love cross-country skiing. A winter holiday would ease the pain of old man winter for a week or two, but what about the other three months of winter weather? I suggest you learn cross-country skiing, and here are five reasons to start.

Five reasons to learn cross-country skiing

5.  Winter is beautiful

If you spend December, January, and February locked up in your home, you will suffer from cabin fever. If you live in the city you equate snow with slushy black sludge after cars and exhaust have blackened it to a disgusting mass of grossness. If you get out and ski in the woods, you will experience a different phenomenon. The snow is especially beautiful right after a snowfall when hoarfrost sticks to every tree.

Learn cross-country skiing

Five reasons to learn cross-country skiing – Winter is beautiful

4. Winter is peaceful

Whenever I think of skiing in the woods, I think of Robert Frost’s wonderful poem, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening. He perfectly captures the solitude and serenity of skiing in the great outdoors.

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

I think Robert Frost was a cross-country skier.

Snowy woods

Five reasons to learn cross-country skiing – I have miles to go before I sleep

3. Cross-country skiing is a great workout

There is a reason that many work out companies have tried to simulate the cross-country exercise in a work out machine. It is a great full body workout. You power ahead with your poles building shoulder muscles while using your legs at the same time and your lungs keep you going. It is a rare workout that utilizes both muscle and stamina.

Learn cross-country skiing

Five reasons to learn cross-country skiing – These racers are really pushing it

2. Cross-country skiing is fun

Most great workouts cannot always be said that they are fun. I enjoy running and the endorphins it creates, but I would not go so far to say running is fun. In fact, from the moment I start running, I am looking forward to finishing my four miles and stop running and then get something to eat. Cross-country skiing I could do until I drop. When I am done cross-country skiing for the day, I look forward to doing it again soon.

1. With cross-country skiing, the adventure never ends

When I began to write online outdoor adventure articles, when it got cold, I wondered what I would do. I had cross-country skied before, but it had been awhile. I got the old skis out and began visiting local skiing places and writing about it. Those articles turned out to be my most popular. Cross-country skiing provided a writing subject and an adventure one during the winter. By doing this, I bridged the weather gap in both hiking and canoeing which ends in November and begins again in March.

Instead of hunkering down for three months and being miserable and hating winter, learn to cross-country ski and become ecstatic when it snows. You can always take your warm winter holiday in April when the snow melts.

Adventure on!

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