Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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A Trinidad waterfall

A beautiful Trinidad waterfall

My next great adventure will be to the Caribbean Islands of Trinidad & Tobago. Yes, it will be TT in TT. The trip will coincide with one of the great parties in the world. I will be there reporting from Trinidad & Tobago’s world famous Carnival.

Pat Sajak just announced today that he had shockingly hosted the Wheel of Fortune while intoxicated. It may not come as big of a surprise when I declare I might be posting from Trinidad & Tobago drunk or at the very least completely hung over.

If I should post some nonsensical jibberish, I apologize in advance. It only means I am having a great time, and who could not have a good time while drinking non-stop for three days with fun islanders dressed up in gaudy costumes.

The festivities begin on Sunday with J’Ouvete. I have been invited to drink all night and have chocolate fights with others into the wee hours. Then Carnival starts the next day.

I am really excited about this trip because I know literally next to nothing about these two islands. Soon though I will submerge myself into the island culture and report back what I find. These trips I find to turn out to be the most satisfying as so much is learned.

Trinidad beach and lagoon

Where I plan on recovering from Carnival

Another great aspect about this trip is I will be traveling with friend who has never traveled outside the U.S. before. Normally, I travel solo on international trips, so this will be a break from the norm. Watching someone interact with a different culture for the first time will be interesting, and I am sure will be the source of some posts and guest posts. It is hoped that his experience may inspire others who have never used their U.S. passport before or who have never purchased one.

Trinidad arch

Looks like a great cure for a Carnival hangover

If my liver survives Carnival, I plan on staying for the rest of the week and exploring the islands. I will kayak the mangrove swamps looking for scarlet ibises, I will hike to waterfalls and swim in the pools, and I hope to check out turtles laying their eggs on pristine beaches.

Trinidad turtle

Hope I get to see one of these little guys

Turtle nesting Tobago

Or one of these big mommas

Or, I might spend the rest of the week laying on a beach with an icepack on my head drinking smoothies and eating grease.  Either way, get ready for some fun adventure as Traveling Ted takes on Trinidad & Tobago in late February. Follow me on the twitter hashtag #followmeinTandT.

Stay tuned,


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