Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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On Monday evening I emerged from the Canadian wilderness of Quetico Provincial Park with over 200 photos to upload. I read a photo blog today on another Canadian treasure, Banff by Ken Kaminesky. My photos are nowhere near as impressive as his, but I think they do an adequate job of representing the pristine beauty of the canoe country wilderness and what it is like to adventure travel there. It’s easy to find cheap flights to Canada and see this amazing place for yourself.

Quetico Provincial Park

Lake Kawnipi in Quetico

With so many pictures, it is hard to choose ten that represent the trip or are the most sensational, but these ten will do. There will be many posts to come from my adventures in Quetico Provincial Park.

Quetico Provincial Park

Agnes Lake

Quetico Provincial Park

Beaver dam

Quetico Provincial Park

Sunday Lake

Quetico Provincial Park

Agnes Lake

Quetico Provincial Park - Lake Agnes

Agnes Lake under a full moon

Quetico Provincial Park - Kewoutum Lake

Kewoutum Lake

Quetico Provincial Park - Lake Kawnipi

Lake Kawnipi

Quetico Provincial Park - Bald eagle

You know he would be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle stoically pose

Fish in Quetico Provincial Park Canada

Got to have one fish shot in there. Here we have smallmouth bass, walleye, and a northern

Quetico Provincial Park northern pike

Ok, how about two fish shots

Quetico Provincial Park Canada

Got to have a fishing action shot in there too. My Dad battling a smallmouth bass.

Quetico Provincial Park Canada

Beautiful Lake Kawnipi

Quetico Provincial Park Canada

Wish I was back there now – Lake Kawnipi


Quetico Provincial Park Canada

Enjoying a fresh fish and pancake breakfast

If this type of trip appeals to you, there are two places one can access the park from the United States that I recommend. If you go through Ely, Minnesota then go through Canadian Border Outfitters.  Read about them here:

Boundary Waters and Quetico vacation begin with Canadian Border Outfitters

If you want to go through Grand Marais then try Voyageur Canoe Rentals. Read about them here:

Voyageur Canoe Outfitters is the key that unlocks Quetico and the Boundary Waters

Stay tuned,


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