Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Wat Aran Temple Bangkok Thailand

The ornate intricate design at Wat Aran

Along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok lies one of the coolest temples in Thailand. The Wat Arun Temple is called the Temple of Dawn for the way the early morning light reflects off the marble and granite.

Lately, the temple has been the source of many a travel blog entry. Which is not unusual, since the temple is one of the most popular stops in one of the most popular adventure travel countries. Below are links to other bloggers who have taken a liking to Wat Arun. Click on the blogger name to see their photos.

Nomadic Samuel – Read his photography tips and then scroll down to see a view of the temple from a unique vantage point.

The Longest Way Home – I love the clouds in the background of the first picture.

Wat Aran Bangkok Thailand

Wat Aran on the shore of the Chao Phraya River

Landlopers – Wat Arun is Matt’s favorite spot in Bangkok too.

Runaway Juno – Juno gets some cool photos at night from the river when it was dark and did not have to worry about warding off people with giant snakes.

Bohemian Traveler – The Bohemian Traveler gets into the act and check out the cool time lapse photography video, which also features pictures of the temple.

The cool thing about all the entries is it seems that each blogger has a unique photo of the temple. Just like a beautiful girl never takes the same photo twice, the same can be said of Wat Arun.

Wat Arun can be visited from the roads or via the river. Just about every boat tour along the Chao Phraya will stop at Wat Arun. Entry cost is about 50 baht or a close to $2.00 usd.

Wat Aran Bangkok Thailand

Dumb tourists like me get suckered into a $5.00 photo

When I visited the temple I was suckered into paying $5.00 more  to take a picture with a python. The man holding the snake gave it to me and as I was trying to deal with a 6 foot snake thrust into my arms, he whispered 200 baht in my ear. It was too late to object, as I had a six foot snake around my neck, so I succumbed to the fee. If you don’t want to pay this just ignore the dude with the snake.

Stay tuned,


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