Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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In such a globalized world, it is becoming easier and easier to find a job that allows you to both work and travel. What form that job takes, however, is entirely dependent on your skill set and interests. From remote working across the globe, to teaching English, the opportunities are vast; it is simply a matter of deciding which career path you would like to pursue.

Teaching English overseas

Teaching English overseas – Wikimedia Creative Commons – By Australian Volunteers International, CC BY 2.0,

Know your niche

Consider creating a CV template that aligns with your chosen field. Once you’ve settled on your field, you can begin applying to international companies. These companies can offer you the potential to relocate or travel. Make sure that you adapt your CV accordingly and get the ball rolling by applying, applying, and applying some more. Finding your dream travel job does not happen overnight. It is a process that you need to commit yourself to.

Once you’ve settled on your field, you can begin applying to international companies. These companies can offer you the potential to relocate or travel. Make sure that you adapt your CV accordingly and get the ball rolling by applying, applying, and applying some more. Finding your dream travel job does not happen overnight. It is a process that you need to commit yourself to.

travel insurance

Work from anywhere like here in Colombia

Be pragmatic

Globalization means both the possibility to work and explore the world. This means fiercer competition when it comes to securing that kind of role. Patience is a key. Try to view any rejections as opportunities to learn and improve for that next potential position. With that in mind, always ask for feedback, as quite often this is something that companies do offer, depending on how many applicants they interview. Knowing your areas of weakness is just as important as selling your strengths. 

It’s also never a bad idea to go back to the drawing board and do some more research on the companies and the industry. You may discover some new, useful information that you could include in your cover letter, or even ask about during the interview. Companies want their potential employees to be invested in working for them. It’s likely that, if you are applying to international companies, that interview will be online, so this could really help you stand out from the other candidates and smash that virtual interview

Remote working

Remote working – Wikimedia Creative Commons – By Nenad Stojkovic –, CC BY 2.0,

Be prepared

Know what is going to be expected of you in your desired role. That includes whether you’ll need to have a good quality laptop, headset, and stable internet connection. Remote work is not only beaches and sunshine. It all goes downhill fast if you can’t connect to that meeting on your calendar. There will still be the expectation of you being a working professional, regardless of your location. The more you know in advance, the smoother the transition will be as you make that step to work and travel. 

Being prepared also includes understanding how much time you’ll be spending with fellow colleagues on this new adventure. Do you want to work with colleagues or be completely remote? A coffee break with a co-worker can offer many benefits. Something as small as a five minute chat allows you to stop thinking about work for a few moments, and be seen as a person and not just an employee. If you know ahead of time that you’ll be completely remote, then you can devise a plan as to how to fulfill your socializing needs and avoid feeling isolated. 

Teach overseas

Learn to teach – Wikimedia Creative Commons – By Analie Cabangal – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Learn to teach

Teaching English as a foreign language has become one of the most popular ways to work and travel the world, both remotely and in schools. By acquiring a TEFL qualification, endless opportunities become available. It opens many doors on where in the world you can get hired. Native English teachers, especially, are highly sought after, which makes this qualification a real investment for those that have their hearts set on travelling and exploring new countries. 

If you’re sold on the idea of remote teaching, in the wake of how the world has changed recently, Costa Rica has introduced digital nomad visas. For those that would prefer to experience what it’s like to teach in a classroom, as opposed to travelling and teaching English online remotely, there are also various paid jobs teaching English in Costa Rica, as well as voluntary. Costa Rica is know for living life to its fullest. Another perk is it borders Nicaragua, which is celebrated for its beauty and welcoming people. Therefore, it is the perfect starting point on your travels. 

Rio Celeste waterfall Costa Rica

It might be nice to teach in Costa Rica

Ask around

Like all things that are unknown to us initially, it’s always good to ask around because there’s a high chance that someone will know someone who has done exactly what you’re hoping to do. Utilize these people as sources of information as they can tell you how they went about securing their own jobs that allowed them to travel. There could even be the possibility that they still have contacts which they could potentially put you in touch with. 

If you find that no one in your social circle has contacts with those who work and travel, social media is a great place to take a look at different approaches to this way of life, or even blog posts. There is no one way to work and travel.  Learning about how others achieved this lifestyle, you can determine which way you feel most drawn to, and also how feasible it is for you. Whilst some make their fortune traveling with photography, this may not be your calling, and that’s perfectly ok. 

The choice is yours whether you opt for a career in content writing, copy-editing, or teaching English. The key is to get hired and be as informed as possible. Then you can start traveling around the world. Taking the step to work and travel may seem daunting, but if you prepare to the best of your ability, and demystify the unknown, nothing is beyond your reach. By the way, find job listings abroad on Jooble.
