Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Although we get excited about creating new outfits in the summer, when the weather gets colder, we may not feel as enthusiastic. Choosing the perfect fashion pieces when winter dressing might not look as easy. Nevertheless, there are a few techniques that you can use to make a statement with your clothes even when it’s cold. The most important thing is to ensure that you also feel warm and cozy. To help you out in this process, we have prepared a few tips and tricks, that will show you how to make the most of winter fashion and look and feel stylish throughout the coldest months of the year.
Winter scenery

Colorado Rocky Mountains – Winter dressing tips and tricks

Winter dressing tips and tricks

Winter dressing tip #1 – Embrace Layers

Layering is one of the best techniques you can take advantage of. Not only is it a practical way to dress, but it will also provide you with plenty of possibilities to express your personal style. You can use a variety of layers and it won’t ruin your look, as long as you choose the right ones. It might be helpful to find different items that you can wear underneath some of your favorite trendy pieces. This way, you will stay comfortable and warm, no matter where you are going. For example, if you have a chick winter coat, you can wear it on top of a jacket.

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Gatineau Loppet start

Winter dressing tip – Snazzy hat and wearing layers

Get The Right Winter Boots

You should also pay attention to your winter boots, as they can help you create the perfect winter outfit. It’s easy to pair your favorite winter boots with a dress or patterned tights. If you are looking for the best winter boots on the market, check out SSENSE. There are some great options to consider, which combine functionality and style. To make a statement, you may want to try the orange-trimmed Bottega Veneta boots or Salomon’s chocolate hiking boots. In addition, SSENSE has compiled a selection of the most important building blocks you need to create a great winter outfit, including gloves, hats, coats, jackets, and more

Rocky Mountains Colorado River

Warm and fashionable winter hat

Look For Trendy Hats And Scarves

It can be a good idea to inject more color into your winter outfits. This can be done by looking for the right accessories, such as hats and scarves. Be sure to look for brightly-colored pieces, that will help you stand out. To create a wow factor, you may want to pair a statement scarf with neutral colors. Also, make sure you choose a nice winter hat, that you love. After all, it’s likely going to be one of the first things that people will notice about you, so look for something which calls for attention, such as a classic winter beanie.

Find A New Belt

If you feel like you are getting tired of wearing the same old winter coat, it may be beneficial to add a bit of variety to your everyday look. For example, getting a new designer belt may be exactly what you need to make it seem like you have bought a new coat. Explore different ways of styling your belt so that you can emphasize your curves. In general, it’s best to pair a thin belt with a short coat and a winder belt with a longer and slimmer style.

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