Australia is an ideal country for going camping and trekking due to its many beautiful spots and large outdoor areas. There are lots of nice places where you can spend a unique vacation outdoors. Camping is definitely an experience worth going through, but you should also keep certain safety tips in mind. Remember that there are many animals in the wilderness so be careful at all times and never disturb the animals. If you want to completely free yourself of any worries, then get a Travel Insurance Australia which will cover your losses in case some unfortunate event happens. Having a proper insurance is very important if you want to have a stress-free holiday in Australia.

Blue Mountains, Australia is one of the beautiful spots for adventure
When it comes to spots where you can camp with your family or friends or go trekking, the following are some very popular and beautiful spots for doing so.
Beautiful spots for adventure, trekking, and camping in Australia
- The Blue Mountains are wonderful place for hiking and trekking. They are protected as World Heritage Area and here you will find top spots where you can relax and admire the nature. There are many unique rock formations in the area and you can go on some of the numerous guided hiking trips. If you are looking for a great place to spend some time outdoors, then Blue Mountains is a great choice.
- Another World Heritage Area to visit in Australia is the Lord Howe Island. It is a wonderful place rich with marine life and endangered bird species. Lord Howe Island is a very peaceful place to spend a relaxing family vacation, away from the hustle and bustle of noisy cities.
- For those that wish to be close to the wildlife, the Kangaroo Island is a perfect option. Here you can admire the Australian kangaroos, koalas, sea lions, penguins, fur seals and many more other beautiful animals. Those that want to see and go through a unique Australian wildlife experience should definitely visit the Kangaroo Island.

Who does not want to see a koala when visiting Australia
- Trekkers should head out to the Flinders Island, which is very close to Tasmania. This is a great place for trekking, and here you can enjoy spending time outdoors and admire the scenic environment.
- Cairns Coconut Camping Site is top spot for camping where you can find numerous tropical gardens and palm trees. It is a very comfortable place to be in, so if you want to be close to the nature and enjoy your time breathing fresh air – this is the place to be.
- Sapphire Caravan Park is a fantastic land for sightseeing, hiking, camping and going on picnics. If you want to unwind and fully relax then visit this beautiful park and enjoy everything it has to offer.
These were some of the best spots for camping and trekking in Australia and there are many more others. Plan your trip today and visit some of the mentioned beautiful spots to have a good time outdoors. You will definitely have a vacation you will always remember.
Adventure on!
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If my wife and I ever get to Australia, she’ll probably only want to hang out at beaches. But maybe if I show her this, I can convince her otherwise. Thanks!
Hello Zach,
Glad to hear this could potentially help maintain marital bliss. Enjoy!
Trekking can be a solo activity or in a group, If trekking in a group, teamwork needs to be involved while walking with the team. Helping each other adds to the fun of the journey while motivating the less experienced hikers.