Because of the infinite progress the possibilities to travel for people of different ages and level of income increase. Everybody can travel even without a company. The world offers various opportunities that people should recognize, decode and use. The fact is that you can avoid a lot of troubles and difficulties during your trip if you follow some advice. The internet if full of posts about lifehacks and if you try to study all of them you can get crazy. We have gathered essential tips, which will simplify your journey. If you follow them you will save much money, time, energy and nerves. It will be useful for tourists who travel alone and for those who have a company for the trip. So, bring it on!
5 lifehacks to make your travel easier
Stuff your smartphone
5 years ago a smartphone was a sign of abundance and luxury. However, it had not so many functions as present day phones do. The smartphone is a sword hand of a person. It is designed to become a devoted assistant and everlasting satellite of its owner. It is a common fact that only the very few users of smartphones use all its options. Some holders of recent iPhones only need it for communication and as a camera. Currently, when you are going to have a trip you must prepare your gadget firstly. Every tourist, before the trip, can fill in his device with a variety of essential applications that will contribute to successful traveling.
A first thing that you have to do is to take a photo of your documents and download it on dropbox. It goes without saying that you must make physical copies of documents too can put them in different bags of yours. But digital copies will be the additional guarantee of your safety.
Them, make sure that you have necessary applications on your phone. Do not download everything that appears in “tourism” sections in the app market. The target purpose of your device is to provide yourself with navigation on the new place. So, it’s a must to download Maps Me – offline maps with GPS that will help to construct a route and do not get lost during your trip.
During the travel, you will have to spend much time doing nothing. For example when the duration of your flight or road crossing is too long. You can spend this time wisely and combine traveling with self-development. Download books, movies, music albums for which you had no time during working or studying routine. Try to listen to local radio and learn the recent news. It will be great if you save some podcasts on your phone. It is good to listen to them when you have more than 10 hours of the bus ride and got sick and tired of books and movies. Time will run by rapidly when you listen to incredible storytelling or interviews with celebrities or experts.
Also, save on your gadget such information:
- phone number of your country`s embassy;
- contacts of your travel agency;
- phone number of the place where you`ll stay and your operator from transport company;
- information about hotel and transport booking
Do a paper duplicate of these contact information as well.
Finally, remember that every electronic device needs to be charged. There will be no use of it with the low battery. Buy a power bank with large capacity (min 10000 A) and fill free to use your gadget endless.
Upgrade your luggage
The stuff that you take with you on the trip must not be your burden. That is why you must pay much attention to your luggage and how to deal with it. DIY and simplify your life during the trip.
Try to bring with you only carry-on. You will get many profits from it. It seems to be hard because not every important item can fit in the little bag. Believe that you do not need nearly 50% of the stuff you were going to take with you. Make an elaborate division and selection of the things that are really important for you during your trip. Especially if your travel for a vacation. The weight of your luggage won`t let you feel relaxed. But the main profit is that you will save nearly $20-40 on your luggage if you use airlines or buses as a transfer to the place of your destination.
Moreover, after you land, you won`t have to wait for your luggage to appear on the conveyor. You both save the time and the money. With only a carry-on you will always save some time during the check in. This time costs especially much if you stop over at other airports.
In case you still have to carry important stuff that you put in the suitcase or enormous backpack take a photo of it before you hand it in the services of airlines. It will be good if you put a bright ribbon on your bag to notice it immediately on the chain conveyor when it appears.
If you travel in the cold season, try to put on as much clothing on yourself as possible. You will save much space in the bag and be prepared for any climate changes. It refers to the accessories too.
Another good way to shorten the overload of the suitcase is too buy hygienic supplies in little testers. If salesmen offer you such in shops, use this opportunity, be a circumspect person.
Eat like a student
The life of every student is a challenge. They have to complete heaps of homework (like the writing of cause and effect essays) and manage to survive with the limited budget. Also, they have a special mindset for survival. So, if you want to save money on food but and not starve use the following advice.
Always carry a bottle of water with you. In airports or railway stations may be coolers and shops with fresh water. But according to the law of unintended consequences when you need to be hydrated the most the queue for the source of water will make you thirsty. Remember, that a person can live without food more than without hydration.
In many trip advisors when you look for the place to eat it recommends only the most popular places with the brand and higher than average prices. Before your trip contact locals and ask where they eat. They will show you cheap places where the dishes are tasty for sure. There are spots in every city when a person can eat his fill and spend little sums.
Learn the language and get acquainted with the culture
No matter what country you go you must know at least “hello” and “thank you” to have a pleasant communication with locals. In most countries of the world, you will find someone who knows English. But you will make more impression on citizens of that country if you say some words in their native language. For example, in Sweden, everybody has an advanced knowledge of English. You will have no difficulties in communication with everybody. But if you say “Tack!” instead of “thank you” in the shop, you will make the salesman happier and show that you respect the language and the culture of the country you stay. There are many YouTubers who will provide you common phrases of their local language. Nowadays it is easier to study them than ever before.
Mind, that tourist usually experiences a culture shock in new places. Be ready for that and do not judge other`s customs. They value them more than you can predict. It is good to be aware of traditions foremost. They must not meet you by surprise. If you are prepared, you are armed.
Also, remember that the same words can bear different meanings in various locations of the same country of the countries that speak the same language. For instance, “pants” in the UK mean underwear when in USA people mean trousers.
Do not be afraid to not fit the new society you appear. Just enjoy the communication with the new people and take best from them. You are a stranger and you cannot master new language and culture perfectly. It is possible that you can look like a fool or feel embarrassed after some situations. Just don`t take life so seriously. After the trip, even embarrassing moments will become precious and unforgettable to you.
The best thing you can do during the conversation with locals is to smile and to keep eye contact. If you are friendly people are friendly to you in return.
Have a plan, but leave a room for spontaneity
When you travel you must have an approximate vision of what you want to see, visit and experience. Make a plan and write it down. It is also good to make a list with attractions that you would like to visit in each certain location. It will be good if you set priorities on these spots.
But despite you have a plan do not absolutely stick to it. Life is unexpected and some spontaneous situations may happen. You can meet locals that will show you an unforgettable city tour that was not in your plan. Accept new opportunities and risk.
About author:
Robert Everett: I am a freelance writer currently based in Chicago. Solving students career and university problems. Having an interest in marketing and business.
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