Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Sri Lanka has come a long way since the civil war ended in 2009.  It is now a major tourist destination in Asia and it offers plenty of exciting things for travellers to see and do.  There is fantastic ecotourism, ancient society ruins, beautiful tea plantations, and more than enough fabulous beaches to excite visitors who come for a Sri Lanka tour.

The first step in order to see the country is to secure a Visa. Nowadays you can secure an online Visa to make the experience easier. In order to do some research on the difference between a physical visa and an ETA Sri Lanka click on the link.

What to see on a Sri Lanka tour

Sri Lanka Tour

Sri Lanka Tour – Grass-clad walls of the fort at Galle


Galle is a city located in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka and it is about 120km from the capital city of Columbo.  It was initially founded by the Portuguese in the 16th century and it is the best example of a European fortified city in South Asia.  Be sure to see the Galle Fort with its grass walls, National Museum of Galle, and Galle lighthouse while you are there.  To experience the different religions of Sri Lanka you can also visit St. Mary’s Cathedral and a Shiva temple.

Leopards Yala

Sri Lanka Tour- Yala has one of the highest concentrations of leopards in the world – Wikimedia Creative Commons

Yala National Park

Yala National Park is one of Sri Lanka’s biggest ecotourism destinations and it is a great place to explore.  This is one of the most heavily populated areas for leopards in the world.  You can also see monkeys, peacocks, elephants, deer, and many more animals frolicking in their natural habitat.  It is also a great place for bird watching and you can view over ninety species of birds.

Sithulpauwwa is an ancient rock temple that is located in the park and it is believed that it was once home to over 12,000 monks.  You can also stay overnight in the park in a small bungalow or you can try camping as well.


Unawatuna is in the Southern Province and it is a fabulous beach town.  The beaches were named “best in the world” by Discovery Channel in 2004.  These are some of the best beaches in Sri Lanka and you can find coral reefs off the coast if you are interested in diving.  This is a major tourist attraction and the beach is the main point of interest and it is a great place to relax.  You can join in water sports like diving or kayaking, play sports on the beach or just lie in a hammock in the sun.  There are plenty of resorts and hotels to choose from.


Dambulla Cave Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is a Buddhist monastery that is situated over five caves that are open to the public although there are over eighty caves in total.  The pictures and statues document Gautama Buddha’s journey through life.    There are 153 statues and the murals cover over 23000 square feet of walls.

Pinawala Elephant Orphanage

Visit Pinawala Elephant Orphanage and help work with the elephants.  There are currently 93 elephants that you can help feed, clean up after and look after for four to five hours each day.  At the end of the day you even get to go to the river with them and help them bathe.  It is a fabulous opportunity to see these gentle giants up close and personal and help provide them a better life.

Adventure on!

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