Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Are you planning a trip to Prague in the near or distant future? If so, here are 5 things that every traveler to Prague should know:

Five things every visitor to Prague should know

1.  It can get incredibly cold.

Prague is a beautiful city and in summer, it gets pretty darn hot but from October onwards, it can get incredibly chilly. Clear blue skies and crisp winter air make for picturesque winter weather, but make sure you enjoy it properly by bringing warm clothing and suitable footwear.

Prague should know

Five things every visitor to Prague should know

2.  It’s a musical lovers paradise.

Prague was a major heavyweight in the days when Opera, Ballet, Classical music and high culture were the mainstream entertainment. Today there is a fantastic range of Opera and other cultural events all across the city – including black light theater, which is native to Prague itself. For more information, see here.

3.  Its architectural styles need to be seen.

Prague was once the Capital of the Holy Roman Empire, but that isn’t the only architectural style on display there. In fact, what makes Prague truly unique is the breath-taking range of eras that have made their mark on the city. Architectural styles include everything from Medieval and Baroque to Renaissance, Romantic and Communist.

4.  The local beer is great…and cheap.

The Czech Republic is famed for its beer, and in Prague almost every corner has a bar where you can stand outside and have a refreshing glass of the local goodness. What’s more, the prices of beer in the Czech republic are incredibly low. Perhaps that’s why the Czechs drink more beer per head than any other country in the world?

5.  A day trip is simply not long enough.

Given all that has been said above, and taking into account the fact that Prague also offers an abundance of Segway tours, running excursions, biking adventures and boat and hiking trips, a day trip to the city simply isn’t enough time to take everything in. Try spending a long weekend, a full week or perhaps even two if you want to see it all.