Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Early sunset

Early winter sunsets can lead to cabin fever

Winter can be a tough time of year. The daylight hours are shorter, grey skies and rain are often a permanent fixture, and depending on where you are from it is often bitterly cold. More often than not, you will find yourself wanting to escape it all and head away for a relaxing week in the sun. A perfect way of doing this is to embark on a lengthy – or brief – cruise holiday. Now, thanks to Dealchecker’s brand new Cruise Plotter, the booking process has never been easier.

The Cruise Plotter is a one of a kind interactive map featuring hundreds and hundreds of cruise holiday packages from some of the world’s leading cruise providers to over 200 international destinations. This unique tool allows users to zoom in on locations around the world and find them the best deals on cruise holidays that either end up or pass through that particular place.

Cruise Plotter

Go from winter to something more tropical with Cruise Plotter

After you have selected your destination of choice, the Cruise Plotter will display this list of cruises in an easy to navigate list format. Users are then able to filter these results in accordance with how much they are willing to spend, their preferred holiday date and duration, and by which cruise provider they would like to travel with – helping them to easily decide which cruise package best suits their means and requirements.
So, if you have found yourself yearning to escape the cold clutches of the winter months, head on over to the Cruise Plotter and start planning the holiday of a lifetime.

Adventure on!

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