Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Bakken Invitation live on give on

Bakken Invitation Live on. Give on.

Running and finishing the Chicago Marathon made me realize how lucky I am to have my health

Last year I ran the Chicago Marathon, which was my first effort in the grueling 26.2 mile course. I had participated in two cross-country ski marathons previous to this and have since competed in two more. I enjoy the training, being fit, and especially the sense of accomplishment afterward. Running the marathon has long been a bucket list item.

I wanted others to feel the accomplishment that I felt after finishing the race as well as the positive benefits that running a race or taking up cross-country skiing provides. This is one of the reasons that I blog and post these activities on my website and social media – I would like to motivate and inspire others to follow in my footsteps.

Chicago Marathon finish

Completing the Chicago Marathon made me realize how fortunate I am

I have been fortunate to have good health thanks to luck and my active lifestyle. Not everyone can make the same claim. I remember during a particular grueling section of the marathon, I was passed by a runner with a prosthetic limb. The Bakken Invitation honors people like this who have overcome and have then made a difference with their second chance via the live on give on campaign.

The Medtronic Bakken Invitation and Live on. Give on.

Medtronic’s Bakken Invitation highlights ten individuals who have overcome life threatening illnesses thanks to medical technology and have used their second chance to give back to their community. Furthermore, the Live on. Give On. campaign seeks to motivate others to follow in their footsteps of these 10 amazing people and make a positive impact.

Bakken Invitation live on give on

List of Bakken Invitation ten honorees who Live on. Give on.

The story of David Watkins and Ironheart

One person who has not let unfortunate circumstances paint their legacy is David Watkins. David Watkins from Snohomish, Washington spent 17 hours one day at the surgery table where his heart actually stopped beating for five minutes. His family was brought in to say their possible goodbyes. He somehow survived this day only to suffer a stroke one month later. An even greater miracle occurred 6 months after his long day in the surgery room: David Watkins competed in a half marathon and then 7 months after that an Ironman competition.

Chicago Marathon Live on. Give on.

Live on. Give on. – I realized it is not as easy for some people to finish

Not only is the David Watkins story impressive for what he overcame as an individual, but through his experience he decided he wanted to help others lead both a healthier lifestyle and give people with similar difficulties motivation to climb their own mountain. David went on to start the Ironheart Foundation. Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in this country and claims more lives than respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes, and accidents combined. The goal of Ironheart is to help people become more heart-smart and heart healthy and inspire, educate, and motivate the world to live a more heart healthy lifestyle.

I know that I am inspired by the David Watkins story. Hist tip is to start to live your legacy. I have kind of slipped in my healthy resolve since completing the Chicago Marathon last year.  I now feel motivated to get back in better shape thanks to hearing about the Ironheart Foundation. I do not want my legacy to be of one who took a step backward after taking on one of the most grueling events in fitness sports.

Bakken Invitation Live on. Give on.

Bakken Invitation Live on. Give on.

Give back to your community

Medtronic and the Bakken Invitation wants you to share your story. Just as the honorees are giving back, you too can help your community by doing something big or small to help. Please share your story in the comment section on what you do to give back. When you comment, you are automatically entered to win a $100.00 prepaid Visa gift card to aid you to do good in your community.

In order to enter:

1. Click on this link

2.  Make a comment below and include who of the ten in the link above inspires you and also include what you do in your community to make a difference.

This article is financially supported by Medtronic

Adventure on!

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