Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Victor I.N.O.X

Victor I.N.O.X.

Durability is key for an adventure travel watch

The most important criteria for the utility of an adventure travel product is durability. If something is handy and it cannot handle the rigors of outdoor use, then it is not worth the investment.

Many people travel to leave the stress of time constraints behind, but Father Time cannot be left behind when on the road. In fact, he becomes even more powerful. You may not have deadlines at work, but you do have deadlines.

When traveling, knowing the correct time to catch the next bus or train is crucial. Leaving the task to an ordinary watch which cannot handle the heavy toll the elements can put forth is folly.

This is why it is important to put your trust in a time keeper you can trust. Travelers and adventurers will be glad to know that a tried and tested company in outdoor products is at it again.

Swiss Army presents the Victor I.N.O.X.

One brand that epitomizes quality and dependability is Swiss Army. When an outdoorsman sees the white cross on a product, they know that it is a symbol and product they can rely on. This is why it is exciting news to hear that Swiss Army is producing a watch so sturdy and reliable that only the fires of Mordor could destroy.

Victor I.N.O.X

Could the fires of Mt. Doom destroy the Victor I.N.O.X. – “Mount Doom” by The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. Licensed under Fair use of copyrighted material in the context of Mount Doom via Wikimedia Creative Commons

Maybe something other than the fires of Mordor could destroy, but it would have to be something similarly destructive to TKO the 130th version of the Victorinox I.N.O.X. watch. This device is made to last having been put under the pressure of 130 tests to make sure it can last 130 years of extreme adventure.

For example, the Victorinox I.N.O.X can withstand a 10-meter drop onto a concrete surface, have a 64-ton tank drive over it, and resists two hours in a washing machine as well as a sandstorm. For those familiar with the quality of the Swiss Army, this information comes as no surprise.

Victor I.N.O.X

The Victor I.N.O.X. can handle extremes, which is important when adventure traveling

The I.N.O.X. watch is made of solid steel, which pays homage to history of the Victorinox I.N.O.X. history. Inox is french for stainless steel, which was an important factor in the success and durability of the Swiss Army knife. The I.N.O.X. represents a link between knife and watch making and also a link to Superman, ‘the man of steel’ who would be proud of a watch that is as strong as him.

This does not mean the watch is all strength. An ugly silver block would not do much for fashion conscious travelers dependent on knowing the time. The I.N.O.X. is as sleek and fashionable as it durable.

This watch is suitable for adventure, Superman, and for me and you.

I partnered with the brand to write this article but every word is mine

Adventure on!

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