Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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I looked forward to a kayak trip planned from the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum with 41 North Kayak Adventures. Unfortunately, due to the Tall Ships being in town this trip did not work out. A different tour turned out just as beautiful if not more. We kayaked on beautiful Lake Erie and witnessed an amazing sunset. We also experience the Cleveland skyline and the Lakewood Cliffs.

Cleveland skyline kayaking

41 North Tours and and kayaking to see the Cleveland skyline

Getting started

I arrived in Rocky River, which is around 10 miles west of downtown Cleveland. In the Emerald Necklace Marina my guide, Josh, waited for me with a sea kayak. This trip would be my maiden voyage in a sea kayak; however, I have paddled a kayak on a river many times.

Rocky River kayaking

Kayaking up the Rocky River

Josh gave me some kayaking tips. I have kayaked many times before, but never taken any formal training. Josh taught me that it is best to paddle with your back and abdomen as well as your arms instead of just your arms.

I have always used just my arms. This never really mattered because in my previous kayaking experiences I used the current of the river to power me downstream. Paddling on a big lake especially with wind involved changes things.

Cleveland kayaking Lake Erie

Following my guide Josh along the Rocky River to Lake Erie

Paddling up the Rocky River to Lake Erie

We started out on the Rocky River and wound our way through drift wood and dodged boaters while we paddled towards the mouth of the river onward to Lake Erie. Before emptying out in the lake we paddled in this bay lined with river front houses and docks including the Elliot Ness home. The home of the famous former prohibition agent now acts as a private club with a private beach on the other side.

Eliot Ness home Cleveland

The Elliot Ness home at the mouth of the Rocky River

We continued towards the lake and passed a rocky point that extended out into the water. Great blue herons and sea gulls flew ahead of us and patrolled the water for fish.

Once we swung out into the lake we paddled east towards the city. On our right were limestone cliffs with beautiful houses lined precariously closed to the edge. Some of the houses were a little too close to comfort on the edge as erosion was taking its toll.

Lake Erie cliffs

Kayaking along the Lake Erie cliffs

We paddled next to each other and traded outdoor stories and mutual places we have been. I would talk about canoeing in Wisconsin or Canada and Josh would talk about rivers in the lower peninsula of Michigan or the Erie Islands farther west. It is always fun talking to other outdoor enthusiasts, especially ones that hail from different regions as you get the scoop on places to check out that you have never been to.

Cleveland skyline kayaking

Cleveland skyline comes into view around a point

Paddling towards the Cleveland skyline

Lake Erie was unusually placid, and we were able to continue our paddle an extra mile. The advantage of this is we swung around a point and the Cleveland skyline came into view. I took several pictures of the bow of the kayak I was using with the skyline framed in the distance, for it was a beautiful sight.

Cleveland skyline kayaking

This is the best place to view the Cleveland skyline in my opinion

Cleveland skyline kayaking

Here I am kayaking with the skyline as my backdrop – Photograph compliments of Josh Tatro from 41 North Kayak Adventures

We then turned around and had an even more awesome sight to feast our eyes on. Clouds covered the actual sunset, but the pinkish light of the waning sun reflected on the water was just gorgeous. I kept stopping to take pictures in the amazing light.

Cleveland kayak tour

Heading into the sunset on a 41 North Kayak tour

Lake Erie sunset

Following my guide back to the Rocky River with the sun fading over the lake

Soon we were back to Rocky River and the trip was over. We brought the equipment back to the shed and said my goodbyes to Josh.

Lake Erie sunset

As I was driving away I noticed an intense pink or more like a red or purple light on the western horizon. I drove around trying to find a good vantage point. I pulled into a marina and got out and snapped a few photos with the boats in the foreground.

Lake Erie sunset

Beautiful Lake Erie sunset

I drove back to Cleveland quite pleased with a pleasant paddle, a beautiful sunset, and the sight of the Cleveland skyline in my thoughts.

If you are in Cleveland, check out a tour with 41 North. Besides this cliffs tour they also have a Cleveland Rocks Tour, which brings you right up to downtown. The tour I was on usually does not wind up at the lookout over the skyline, but you can also rent kayaks from this outfit or go out on your own to see the skyline.  Check out their website for tours, classes, trips and follow them on Facebook.

This tour with 41 North Kayak adventures was sponsored by Positively Cleveland Tourist Bureau, but the photos (except for the one), views, opinions, and stories are purely my own.

Adventure on!

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