Everybody loves babies, and alligators are no different. During a hike along the Shark Valley 11 mile loop in late January in the Everglades National Park in Florida, a few years back, I came upon a series of baby alligator nests. I had seen many alligators large and small previous to this, but this was my first encounter with these cute little critters.
Stay tuned,
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It’s too bad they don’t stay cute for long!
Leigh recently posted..Travel Photo Thursday: Climbing to the Roof of Africa
Wow, that’s crazy! But I agree with Leigh. You’re lucky you got that shot and the mother wasn’t around!
Christine | Grrrl Traveler recently posted..World’s Worst Toilet: Andong Bus station, Korea
The mother was around, but I kept my distance. This shot was with a zoom 🙂
Wow!!! That’s a lot of baby alligators. Were you scared you’d find the mom near this “nest”? I feel there’s part of this story you aren’t telling… lol
Leslie recently posted..Photos: Hong Kong street art features Obama, Lennon and giant lips
I took this with a pretty good zoom camera. I was across the canal on a trail safe from harm.
They are cute, YES! But can change the fact that they are dangerous and not a kind of pet lover.
Allison recently posted..Chinese Talk
Sorry but I don’t find them cute. I’m afraid of alligators. But still, I appreciate your post. Thanks with the photos!
Ynna recently posted..Happy New Year To All Of You And Hope You Like The Aquarium Fish Photos Here …
Uhhh, kinda cute. I love looking the baby alligator. So sweet and harmless,LOL.
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