Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Traveling Ted takes to the P^ cubed: pick pocket proof pants has got to be a lead sentence for a blog post that leads the world in the art of alliteration. Speaking of art, this post is about Clothing Art’s new design in travel pants: the P^ cubed or the pick pocket proof pants.

Pick pocket proof pants

Pick pocket proof pants – I feel so safe I am practically sleep walking

Trying out the pick pocket proof pants

For those afraid to travel, they may see this post as a validation of their fear. They imagine countries where distrustful locals salivate at the opportunity to separate the tourist from their passport and cash. The very need for a pick pocket proof pants to them confirms they probably should not leave the safety of their own country.

P cubed pick pocket proof pants

Pick pocket proof pants – No hands in the pocket, either foreign or my own

This visualization is far from reality; however, pick pockets are a threat in your own country and on the road. The danger is even worse in a foreign country as you are more vulnerable in case something happens. You cannot just jump on the computer or get on the phone to cancel all those credit cards when you are traveling.

Never had a pick pocket situation but added insurance is great

I have never had a pick pocket situation, but I have feared the possibility of it many times. Fear is the crux of the issue. The benefit of the pick pocket proof pants is it gives the traveler peace of mind. There is so much to stress about when traveling. What time does the bus leave, where does it leave from, do I have enough cash, where am I staying when the bus arrives, how do I say “thank you” to the bus driver in his language, and on and on.

These stresses can consume the traveler when they are on the go. One of the biggest fears is keeping track of the wallet, passport, and phone. The P^ cubed pants makes this fear vanish. The pockets on the front of the pants not only zipper shut, but they have a piece of fabric that buttons across the zipper leaving an impossible two obstruction boundary to any invading foreign hand. The back pant pockets also have a zipper and then two snaps for another double protection strategy.

Quality fabric and design

The pants are also made with quality comfortable fabric, so they are useful and fashionable. They are multi-purpose too. They can be worn in foreign countries, on wilderness backpacking trips, and even at work in casual work environments.

P cubed pick pocket proof pants

Pick pocket proof pants – This look sure beats

Fanny pack



Speaking about fashion, for those anti-fanny pack readers out there, these pants eliminate the need for the ugly lump across your stomach. This frees you from the travel fashion police and from the encumbrance of the pack itself. A fanny pack helps store valuables, but once you put them inside you have added the stress of having to keep track of where your fanny pack is. When traveling, it is best to go as light as possible and these pants allow you to ditch and extra bag.

The one drawback of the P^ cubed is it eliminates the possibility of hands in the pockets. When idle, which happens frequently in travel, it is comfortable and looks cool to casually place your front hands in your pocket. While wearing the pick pocket proof pants I occasionally was foiled by the zipper and fabric when I instinctively tried to stick my hands in my pocket. Knowing that my valuables were safe inside and knowing no one would laugh at my ugly fanny pack, this is a problem I can adjust to.

Thank you Clothing Arts for freeing me from the fanny pack and the travel fashion police. Check out their full adventure travel array of clothes at their website.


I did receive a complimentary pair of pants from Clothing Arts, but I enjoyed them immensely and the fact that they were complimentary did not skew my opinion. The thoughts, opinions, words, and photos are my own.

Adventure on!

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