Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Amnicon River

These rapids were just a tease

Amnicon Falls State Park in the far northwest corner of Wisconsin near Superior is a great place to check out multiple waterfalls.  A great day or weekend option is to combine Amnicon with the nearby Pattison State Park.

There are certain words in the English language where their pluralism defies common sense.  “Pants” is one word that fits this description. One only wears one pair of pants at a time. Why the “s,” not to mention they are referred to as a pair? Falls is another word always spelled with an “s” when used to describe a singular falls. Waterfall itself is often singular, but when describing Goosebury Falls or Niagra Falls or Iguaza Falls the word is always plural.

Amnicon River Wisconsin

Beautiful Amnicon River above the series of falls

Perhaps this is due to a waterfall consisting of billions of gallons of water spilling over a precipice, but still it sometimes makes one think. Amnicon Falls is another waterfall spelled as if it was plural. In this case, it is with good reason as there are multiple amazing falls here. The Wisconsin DNR web states that Amnicon “features a series of delightful waterfalls and rapids along the Amnicon River.”

The author was fortunate to arrive here after a series of summer thunderstorms swelled local rivers. The best time to come here is in spring when the snow melt infused streams rage through the park in an awesome fashion. Normally, late summer is a better time to swim than observe forces of nature.

Drive into the park and turn right and park at the parking lot at the end of the roadway. Then cross the covered bridge on to the island and then become amazed at the dizzying sound and spectacle of water meeting rocks escorted by gravity.

Amnicon Falls Wisconsin

Amnicon Falls – one of them at least

The park named a few of the waterfalls. There is Upper Falls, Snake Pit Falls, and finally Lower Falls, but they soon gave up and just numbered observation points. Even the unsure Now and then Falls was spitting some decent water over the rocks.

Amnicon Falls

Now and Then Falls was all about now

There are well worn trails on each side of the river allowing hikers to explore the falls from many vantage points. Even below the falls, the Amnicon River is very scenic and worth checking out.

The falls of course are the main draw to the park, but there are a couple of miles of nature trails, and a small campground for those who want to enjoy the park for a day or two. Being in northern Douglas County means being in the great north woods and the great north woods means the possibility of seeing interesting animals like black bears, deer, wolves, and coyotes.

Amnicon Falls Wisconsin

Another Amnicon Falls

As pointed out earlier, the best time to see the falls are in the spring, but the bright side of visiting the park in the summer is it is a great place to swim when it is hot. The park only allows swimming when the water is running at a moderate level.

Amnicon means “where fish spawn,” as it is a major stream for fish spawning from Lake Superior. Fish are not the only animals to gather at this beautiful river. Each year thousands of photographers weave their way up the river by foot, jumping over rock, and release their shutters in order to capture the beauty of this Wisconsin park.


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