Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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For those fortunate enough to have traveled to Thailand it is pretty high on their list of favorite countries for adventure. For those that have not been it is most often a country on their radar. This list is to get those travelers who have not been motivated to go.

10. Thai clothing

Thailand is world renowned for its silk production. It is not hard to find a tailor (many times they will aggressively try to find you) that will take your measurements and ask you to pick a fabric and within a day or two you will have hand tailored outfit that fits like a glove. Next time I come to Thailand I will only bring the clothes on my back and buy the rest as soon as I arrive. Clothing made in America is dominated by cotton, which is too hot in the sizzling Thai heat.

9. Beautiful temples 

It is not hard to find a beautiful ornate Thai Buddhist temple. Sukothai and Ayutthaya are great places to see ancient temples; whereas, Bangkok and Chiang Mai have many modern ones.



8. The beaches

Personally I am not a beach person, but many who travel are. Thailand has some great beach destinations like Krabi, Phuket, and Koh Phi Phi.

7. Great for budget travel

Except for the flight over, Thailand is incredible for budget travel. Guesthouses range $2.00 to $5.00 and budget hotels abound. Food is incredibly inexpensive and even in the main tourist areas it is easy to find a great meal under $5.00 and cheaper. Take a five hour bus trip away from Bangkok for $5.00. The same distance will cost $50.00 in Japan.

6. The food

Thai cuisine is one of the tastiest in the world. Thai restaurants abound all over the world. Instead of eating a spring roll in a Chicago restaurant go to the source. Thai food is known for use of fresh ingredients and vibrant flavors. Most of the food one eats even in Bangkok was most likely harvested within a day or two of reaching your mouth. Where one finds beaches they also find seafood and Thai chefs know what to do with their fresh catches. Mouth watering fresh fruit like mangos, jackfruit, and dragonfruit can be found right along the street.

5. Thai women

Thailand is known as the land of smiles and the smile from a beautiful Thai woman will melt you away. Even average Thai women turn beautiful the moment they flash their world famous welcoming smiles.


4. Ease of travel

They say that tourism makes up 40% of the Thai gross national product and everyone seems to be aware of this fact. The country seems built for tourism with a good train, bus, and boat network. It is never difficult to find a travel agent in Thailand. They are everywhere. I think there is one travel agent per tourist in Chiang Mai and on Kho San Road in Bangkok. No need to worry about the language barrier as there is always an English speaker around even in remote areas.


3. Adventure travel possibilities

Go trekking in Chiang Mai, hiking and bird-watching in Khao Yai National park, go diving in Phuket. The adventure travel opportunities are endless.


2. The people

In Thailand one will find their share of scams, but that is true in every country even our own. Most of the people in Thailand are friendly, welcoming, and sincere. Actually, even the scams are kind of endearing.



1. Variety of travel options

Go shopping in Bangkok, hike in the jungles in Khao Yai, see World War II history in Kanchaburi, ride an elephant in Chiang Mai, hit the beaches at Koh Phi Phi, trek to Chiang Rai and see the hill tribes etc etc. . . There is such a wealth of travel opportunities that all travelers will find something to love in Thailand.


Did I miss a favorite reason of yours? Please chime in in the comment section.


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