From time to time the author of this site gets paid to post certain posts, gets complimentary goods, and gets services comped while traveling. Anytime this occurs, this link will be at the bottom of any article affected by this fact.
The benefits of adventure travel are many. First of all it encourages understanding between cultures when people travel overseas. Secondly, it is important that people continue to travel outside. The more people that experience the beauty of our natural surroundings the more apt we are to protect what we have. If everyone suddenly stopped adventuring then who would care if rainforests, tigers, and habitat disappeared.
When I write about a place or a service that involves adventure travel it does not matter to me if I received comped items from them or not. Through my words, pictures, and video I want to bring people along the journey and show what it is like. My adventures will not appeal to everyone. When I go to Quetico in Ontario, Canada and experience a swarm of voracious mosquitoes this will make some readers hesitant to travel there.
Most of my posts I write in a matter of fact way about my adventure, how the item worked, or information about the destination. I do my best to paint a picture of a place and use my words, pictures, and sometimes video. From the information I provide, readers can make an informed decision whether the item or place is for them. Whether I am paid or given free services does not affect the way I write about an item or a place.