Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Passport renewal

Out with the old in with the new passport

Sometimes you forget that Canada is a foreign country. I dawdled on getting my passport renewed, which expired in April. I have a conference to attend in Toronto this weekend. It finally dawned on me that Toronto is in Canada, and I got busy and sent in my renewal with two months to spare. Two weeks ago, I received my shiny new ticket to the rest of the world.

It is kind of sad discarding an old passport. You are kind of officially closing the book on ten years of travel. When I look back at the last ten years though, they were the best ten years of travel in my life. They far exceeded my prior passport, which only saw a handful of European countries.


In the Polish town of Krasnystaw, Poland

The last ten years included a trip through Czech Republic and Poland and a three month jaunt through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, and Japan. Then I had a long drought of traveling overseas lasting five years. During this time I continued to travel extensively, but in nearby places like Wisconsin, South Dakota, Michigan, Tennessee, and Florida.

Thailand new passport

Thailand was a major highlight of the last ten years of travel

I finally broke the ice on my overseas travel drought with trips to Costa Rica, Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, and Guyana over the last two years. It has been a really good last couple of years for travel as I have mixed international with local. It makes me hopeful for the next ten years. I have a feeling the next decade will be even greater.

new passport Costa Rica

Howler monkey in Manuel Antonio in Costa Rica

My first stamp on my new passport will have a special significance for me as it will return me to the origins of Traveling Ted. I will be attending TBEX, Toronto which is a huge travel blogger conference held in different cities each year. I have never been to a Canadian city before although I have canoed and fished Canadian lakes many times in Quetico Provincial Park.

Quetico Provincial Park

I will miss not paddling a scenic Canadian lake, but it will be nice to visit a Canadian city

You may wonder how I could be heading to the origins of my website if I have never been there before. My parents met in Toronto as graduate students at the University of Toronto. Although I was not physically conceived in the city, it was where the beginnings of me and henceforth everything else about me including this post commenced.

Travel is mostly about people and this trip will excel in this aspect as there will be anywhere from 750-1000 travel bloggers taking over the city. I will be staying with an extraordinary group under the label of RWTBEX (click on the link to meet the merry pranksters), which stands for Real World TBEX. A group of ten plus bloggers will be staying together in an apartment rental for four nights compliments of Flipkey, which should be absolutely crazy. Follow our antics on #RWTBEX.

I am excited to get my first use out of my new passport. My next decade of travel will be incredible, and I cannot wait to get in the car and start this Thursday with a trip to Canada.

Do you get both sentimental about the past and excited about the future when you renew your passport?


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