Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC. and The Coca-Cola Company, all opinions including the fact that I love Jewel chicken are mine alone. #ServeWithACoke #Jewel #CollectiveBias

It is widely known that when one goes camping, the taste of the food usually suffers. The farther one strays from civilization, the more difficult it is to preserve good tasting food. This does not mean you have to rely on only granola, nuts, and oatmeal. If you are camping out of a car, and have access to ice and a cooler, you can eat rather comfortably. Even if you are camping from a canoe, you can still eat well, especially the first night while the ice is still intact. For the purposes of this post, we will assume this is either the first night of a canoe camping trip or a on a car camping trip. The recipe below would be difficult to pull off on a backpacking trip.

Jewel chicken

People are lined up for Jewel chicken

Camping and outdoor adventure takes a lot out of you

Camping and outdoor adventure is a strenuous activity. It usually involves hiking, kayaking, canoeing, swimming and/or fishing in the great outdoors. Most people camp during the summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day when the  hot sun is beating down on you. Add on to the fact that most people camp between two and four hours from home means that an effort was made to not only pack, but also a several hour drive took place. When people arrive at the campground, they usually do not take time to sit and relax. Most people hit the ground running.

Moonrise Wisconsin River

When the moon comes up after a day of camping, no one wants to put a lot of effort into cooking

When dinner rolls around, you are probably too exhausted to put much effort into cooking. This is why roasting hot dogs or a tasteless meal of freeze dried noodles is the norm for many. People do not want to eat such a mundane meal, but they are too lazy or too tired to put together a complex delicious meal.

Jewel chicken is the answer

Stop by Jewel before heading out of town and get a box of ready made rotisserie chicken with some great sides. You do not have to wander around the store for an hour when your meal is in one place. Do not forget a beverage. Gold Peak® Tea is the perfect companion for your chicken on a hot summer day. For other Coca-Cola™ and meal pairings, click on this link.

Gold Peak Tea

Gold Peak Tea is the perfect compliment to Jewel ready made rotisserie chicken

Stay hydrated, stay full of nutrients

When you are out in the sun all day, it is important to stay hydrated and eat well. It is well known that hot dogs do not have a  lot of nutritional value, so skip the dogs and heat up some chicken. Add some vegetables and make a sandwich and in minutes you can have a tasty and nutrient rich meal.

Gold Peak Tea summer

Cold Gold Peak Tea hits the spot in the summer

Gold Peak Tea really hits the spot on a sweltering day. Drinking water is great when it is hot, but there is only so much water you can drink before you need something with a little bit of taste. This is especially true when pairing a drink with a meal.

Jewel chicken avocado sandwich ingredients

Jewel chicken and a few other ingredients with mayo and spicy mustard and you are good to go

Keep it simple

What I like about the ready made rotisserie chicken is it is already delicious on its own, so there is no need to come up with a complex recipe. I choose to make a chicken sandwich with avocado, tomatoes, and lettuce. The full recipes is below. Vegetables added to the chicken make for an even healthier meal, and you cannot beat avocado for nutrients and for taste. Avocados contain over 20 nutrients and minerals.

Jewel Chicken Sandwich

Jewel Chicken sandwich with Gold Peak Tea

Eating well the first night can save your camping trip

I have on more than one occasion been so exhausted after the first day of a camping trip, that I did not have the energy to continue the adventure. I have even gotten sick on a couple of camping trips. Looking back on these ill fated journeys, I think if I would have eaten better the first night, I may have rallied and enjoyed the rest of the trip. This is another reason to eat well when camping.

Jewel chicken with sides

Added some coleslaw and some potato wedges to round out the Jewel chicken meal

Avocado Chicken sandwich recipe

Jewel ready made rotisserie chicken – Heat up on a grill over the fire

sandwich roll of choice – toast on grill over the fire with butter (optional)

Cheese (optional)

Bacon (optional) – Bacon is the one ingredient that needs to be cooked.

Avocado slices

Tomato slices


Sides – Potato wedges and coleslaw

Gold Peak Tea and ice

Adventure on!

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