Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Bald eagle photo essay

Bald eagle photo essay starts on the Wisconsin River

If you have been following me on Facebook, you have seen that it has been bald eagle week in honor of our nation’s symbol. If you don’t, no worries because all of the pictures will be posted here again.

Most of the pictures come from either the Wisconsin River or Quetico Provincial Park. Eagles are so common in these two parks that we see multiple eagles each day.

Bald eagle Wisconsin River

Another bald eagle on the Wisconsin River

The return of the bald eagle has been a stunning event that I have witnessed first hand in my lifetime. When I first started canoeing in the early 1980s we hardly ever saw one, and if we did it was an enormous deal. The bald eagle was endangered in almost every state. Only Alaska, Florida, and Minnesota had sizable populations.

Yellowstone Lake State Park

The most popular eagle picture on my Facebook page – From Yellowstone Lake State Park – Wisconsin

Once we stopped poisoning them with pesticides, they made an incredible comeback. We can thank Rachel Carson who wrote Silent Spring about the crisis for raising awareness to their plight.

Happy 4th of July everyone and enjoy the bald eagle photo essay.

bald eagle photo essay

Bald eagle from Yellowstone Lake State Park in Wisconsin

Quetico Provincial Park

Bald eagle silhouette at Quetico Provincial Park in Canada

Quetico Provincial Park

Quetico Provincial Park

Bald eagle photo essay

Bald eagle on the shore of the Wisconsin River

Bald eagle photo essay

Another bald eagle on the Wisconsin River

Wisconsin River bald eagle

Bald eagle smiling in the thickets on the shore of the Wisconsin River

Bald eagle photo essay

Just missed an epic shot as the bald eagle turned his head

Bald eagle photo essay

Bald eagle in the fall along the Wisconsin River

Wisconsin River immature bald eagle

Immature bald eagle along the Wisconsin River

bald eagle photo essay

Bald eagle in Quetico Provincial Park


Starved Rock State Park

Although a little blurry, getting a little love from the bald eagle at Starved Rock eagle days


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