Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Red River Gorge Kentucky photo essay

Red River Gorge Kentucky is part of the Daniel Boone National Forest

Red River Gorge Kentucky

I just returned from a long Mother’s Day weekend in the Red River Gorge Kentucky, which is part of the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeastern Kentucky. I had heard great things about the place, and it sure did not disappoint. Anyone who loves outdoor adventure travel will love this prime spot less than an hour away from Lexington, Kentucky.

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Red River Gorge Kentucky cascade

The first post will be this photo essay, which gives a slight taste of what the national forest and gorge is about, but I am excited to bring much more of this tremendous spot. Future posts will highlight specific adventure activities like zip lining, hiking, scenic drives, and tips on where to stay, what to do, and where to go. I packed a lot into a couple of days, but I would love to return and do some more hiking and perhaps some kayaking or canoeing on the Red River.

Red River Gorge Kentucky

A cascading creek through a rhododendron bush is a common sight in Red River Gorge Kentucky

I was also overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people that I met during my weekend. Store owners, managers proprietors, zip line guides, people I passed on the hiking trails and at the overlooks on the scenic drives were all incredibly nice and welcomed me with smiles and waves. Special shout out to the people at Red River Gorge Cabins and zip lines who were especially hospitable during my stay and were extremely helpful in planning my explorations.

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Last week’s rainstorms turned the national forest into a verdant wonderland

Red River Gorge Kentucky

If you love ferns – and who doesn’t – Red River Gorge Kentucky is the place for you

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Last weekends storms created many temporary waterfalls like this one


Red River Gorge Kentucky

Overhanging cliffs are a common site in Red River Gorge

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Natural arches like Angel Windows are quite common here

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Fording a creek means it is Lost in Translation Red River Gorge style

Red River Gorge hiking

Hiking in Red River Gorge is rugged, but worth it

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Another pretty cascade in the Daniel Boone National Forest

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Gorgeous green rock covered in moss and fern

Red River Gorge Kentucky

Red River Gorge beautiful view and one ugly tree

Red River Gorge overlook

Red River Gorge Overlook from the Chimney Rock


Get ready for some upcoming posts on Red River Gorge!

Adventure on!

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