Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Mother's Day adventure

A Mother’s Day adventure about 35 years ago in the Smoky Mountains

This weekend is Mother’s Day and a perfect way to celebrate is to have a Mother’s Day adventure in Red River Gorge, Kentucky or any scenic outdoor place. For most travelers, they were introduced to the great outdoors or to travel in general with family vacations with mom and dad. A perfect way to repay them for their love is to take them on a trip now that you are both older.

This is why I am excited for this weekend in Red River Gorge, Kentucky. I am taking my mom with for our first adventure together in a long time. It will be a perfect road trip.

We leave on Friday and will drive down together. I will be hiking for two days in the Red River Gorge wilderness in the Daniel Boone National Forest and then be joining my mom in a Red River Gorge Cabin.

As your parents grow older, it is sometime easy to disconnect with them if you do not spend quality time with them. Even if you take the time to go out for dinner or come over on holidays, these short trips are not as intimate as longer ones.

Mother's Day adventure

My mom walking through a swamp in the Everglades National Park

Often on shorter stays, a lot of talk is superficial, and by the time you get to more important stuff, it is time to go. When spending a longer amount of time together, it is natural to reminisce about old times and talk about important issues regarding the present and future.

I see my mom a lot more times than I see my dad, but when I spend time with my dad, we go on canoeing trips together for weekends and sometimes for a week at a time. Because of these longer times spent together, I feel more in tune to what is going on with my dad than with my mom.

Mother's Day adventure

My mom casually chomping a pizza while escaping a forest fire in Minnesota

This Mother’s Day or any weekend, as every weekend is a Mother’s Day, take your mom on a trip with you and get her out of the house. Sure, she may not be able to hike ten miles or go ziplining, but you still can have a wonderful time together.

Mother's Day adventure

My mom getting out to use the bathroom in a snake infested mangrove swamp in the Everglades – What a badass

Reasons to take your mom on an adventurous trip:

  • Your mom will not be around forever. A touching post from Leah’s Travels reminds us of this fact, so it is a great opportunity to create a lasting memory
  • Your mother took you on your first trips, so it is only fair to repay the favor
  • A great way to reconnect if you have not been spending much time or quality time lately
  • Get her out of the house and active
  • It’s Mother Day – Instead of the traditional flowers and/or brunch – Do something different


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