Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Lake Kawnipi Quetico Canada

A typical Lake Kawnipi evening

My staple summer time vacation will once again be a week long trip to Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. The destination will once again be the remote Lake Kawnipi.

Quetico Provincial Park in Canada allows no motors and Lake Kawnipi is almost directly in the center of the park; therefore, it is a difficult lake to get to. No matter which way one enters the park it is about a 25-30 rugged canoe trip into Kawnipi.

It is worth the struggle. Each time I have camped here it results in fresh caught northern pike, walleye, and smallmouth bass combined with days of rarely seeing another human being. We usually see more bald eagles then people once we paddle the crystalline waters of Kawnipi. Water so clear it can be enjoyed without treatment.

Lake Kawnipi is an immense lake that stretches over ten miles long and has numerous large bays branching out from the center. Every time I see a list of top ten most beautiful lakes I laugh when I see that Kawnipi has not been included. Due to its remoteness only a lucky few understand its haunting beauty. I am glad to be one of those and cannot wait to set out on another adventure in just a couple weeks.

Quetico Lake Kawnipi Canada

The most beautiful lake and the most awesome campspot


Quetico Lake Kawnipi Canada

Even the burned out southern part of the lake has an eerie appeal

Quetico Canada Lake Kawnipi

This shot is my favorite

Quetico Canada Lake Kawnipi

There is nothing like the color of the water on Kawnipi when the sun is shining

Lake Kawnipi Quetico Canada

Even when it is grey Kawnipi retains its beauty

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