Traveling Ted is a blog that takes readers along on my adventures hiking, canoeing, skiing, and international backpacking. Many blogs focus on one aspect of backpacking, but I tackle both the outdoor adventure side and international exploration as well.

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Big Cypress National Preserve

Great egret in the Big Cypress National Preserve

The weather outside is frightful, so a drive south to Florida would be delightful.  For those that do not embrace winter up north or for those that just want to escape it for a week or two, Florida is heaven on Earth for an adventure travel getaway.

Most conjure sandy beaches, or Miami clubs, or Orlando’s Disney complex when thinking of Florida.  Florida is also a premier state for adventure travel.  Some of the best kayaking and canoeing in the world can be found here not to mention fishing, scuba diving and any water sport imaginable.

Many who adventure travel to other countries enjoy the fresh fruit and fresh food that is available.  Florida is great for this as the seafood of course is fresh and so is much of the fruit.  One of my favorite memories of my last trip to Florida was waking up at my friend’s place in Tampa, walking out in his backyard, climbing his tree, and picking a fresh grapefruit for breakfast.  You cannot get any fresher than that.

The bird life is second to none.  Especially in the winter when they receive all the herons and egrets that winter up north.  It is truly an adventure travel paradise.  The above picture to me epitomizes what I think of Florida.  It is a great egret taken in the Big Cypress National Preserve, which borders the Everglades and is one of the last bastions of the Florida panther.

Stay tuned,


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